
Why the Trumpists’ Calls for Dictatorship Should Worry Us

Why the Trumpists’ Calls for Dictatorship Should Worry Us Why the Trumpists’ Calls for Dictatorship Should Worry Us

It may sound laughable, but it’s no joke—the GOP leadership and the right-wing media machine are colluding with Trump’s assault on democratic institutions.

Dec 4, 2020 / Sasha Abramsky

Ayanna Pressley at podium

Now Is the Time to Make Good on the Promise of Justice for All Now Is the Time to Make Good on the Promise of Justice for All

Here’s how we can.

Dec 2, 2020 / Rep. Ayanna Pressley

Removing Trump Is Not Enough. He Must Be Prosecuted.

Removing Trump Is Not Enough. He Must Be Prosecuted. Removing Trump Is Not Enough. He Must Be Prosecuted.

He has declared total war on American democracy, and for that, he must be brought to justice.

Dec 1, 2020 / Sasha Abramsky

Privatizing Puerto Rico

Privatizing Puerto Rico Privatizing Puerto Rico

The rushed sell-off of the territory’s electrical utility is part of a larger move to gut public goods for private profit.

Dec 1, 2020 / Feature / Ed Morales

Time for Democrats to Drain the Real Swamp

Time for Democrats to Drain the Real Swamp Time for Democrats to Drain the Real Swamp

Trump’s kleptocracy cannot continue.

Nov 24, 2020 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

The GOP: Grotesque, Outrageous Putschists

The GOP: Grotesque, Outrageous Putschists The GOP: Grotesque, Outrageous Putschists

It’s high time we call Republicans what they have become, and give the Grand Old Party a much-deserved name change.

Nov 24, 2020 / Sasha Abramsky

People marching and holding signs in Polish

Poland’s Women Are in the Streets Poland’s Women Are in the Streets

Escalating protests over new restrictions on abortion in Poland are a sign that the ruling PiS party’s illiberal democracy may be losing its grip.

Nov 20, 2020 / Andrew Pasquier

The GOP Is in a State of Terminal Decay

The GOP Is in a State of Terminal Decay The GOP Is in a State of Terminal Decay

In its blind obedience to Trump’s blatant coup attempt, the party has abandoned even the pretense of democratic principle—indeed, any principle other than holding on to power.

Nov 20, 2020 / Sasha Abramsky

Chuck Schumer stands behind a podium, wagging a finger. He wears a suit and tie and red glasses.

Who’s in Charge of the Democratic Party? Who’s in Charge of the Democratic Party?

That’s actually a surprisingly difficult question to answer. We must have more accountability and transparency if the party is to live up to its name.

Nov 19, 2020 / Steve Phillips

Six faces wearing masks

‘If You Want to Make the Gods Laugh, Tell Them Your Plans’ ‘If You Want to Make the Gods Laugh, Tell Them Your Plans’

On expectation in a time of pandemic.

Nov 18, 2020 / Kweku Toure
