Elie Mystal

Justice Correspondent & Columnist


Elie Mystal is The Nation’s justice correspondent and the host of its legal podcast, Contempt of Court. He is also an Alfred Knobler Fellow at the Type Media Center. His first book is the New York Times bestseller Allow Me to Retort: A Black Guy’s Guide to the Constitution, published by The New Press. Elie can be followed @ElieNYC.

America’s Racist Police Won’t Be Dismantled by 2 Weeks of Protests

America’s Racist Police Won’t Be Dismantled by 2 Weeks of Protests America’s Racist Police Won’t Be Dismantled by 2 Weeks of Protests

It took centuries to build up the system of white supremacy enforced by the police. It will take years of persistent protest to undo it.

Jun 15, 2020 / Editorial / Elie Mystal

masked protesters

The Bravery of Marching for Black Lives in the Middle of a Pandemic The Bravery of Marching for Black Lives in the Middle of a Pandemic

While masked protesters struggle to keep both cops and Covid-19 at bay, a cadre of white pundits are busy sniping about the “hypocrisy” of protesters who don’t socially distance.

Jun 10, 2020 / no-paywall / Elie Mystal

To the White People Who Keep Asking How to ‘Help’

To the White People Who Keep Asking How to ‘Help’ To the White People Who Keep Asking How to ‘Help’

Spare me the sympathy. It’s outrage that matters.

Jun 3, 2020 / Elie Mystal

The Question Isn’t Whether Trump Will Go Full Authoritarian—It’s How We’ll Respond

The Question Isn’t Whether Trump Will Go Full Authoritarian—It’s How We’ll Respond The Question Isn’t Whether Trump Will Go Full Authoritarian—It’s How We’ll Respond

We know that no one is coming to save us from Trump. So how will we save ourselves?

Jun 2, 2020 / Elie Mystal

The Suburban Commute Is a Soul-Crushing, Environment-Destroying Invention

The Suburban Commute Is a Soul-Crushing, Environment-Destroying Invention The Suburban Commute Is a Soul-Crushing, Environment-Destroying Invention

The last few months have shown us that we can do away with it forever.

Jun 2, 2020 / Feature / Elie Mystal

Bill de Blasio Has Failed the Test of This Moment

Bill de Blasio Has Failed the Test of This Moment Bill de Blasio Has Failed the Test of This Moment

New York’s mayor has floundered in the face of stunning police violence—just like so many other mayors who aren’t prepared to rein in the cops.

Jun 1, 2020 / Elie Mystal

Minneapolis protests for George Floyd

People Can Only Bear So Much Injustice Before Lashing Out People Can Only Bear So Much Injustice Before Lashing Out

As the media denounces the Minneapolis protesters, it’s worth remembering that it takes incredible strength to practice nonviolence in the face of murder and oppression.

May 28, 2020 / Elie Mystal

There’s Only One Possible Conclusion: White America Likes Its Killer Cops

There’s Only One Possible Conclusion: White America Likes Its Killer Cops There’s Only One Possible Conclusion: White America Likes Its Killer Cops

There’s a straight line connecting Derek Chauvin to Amy Cooper—and that line is white support of police violence.

May 27, 2020 / Elie Mystal

You Can’t Mask Stupid

You Can’t Mask Stupid You Can’t Mask Stupid

The very people howling the loudest about reopening—and running around maskless—are the ones making it too dangerous to reopen.

May 21, 2020 / no-paywall / Elie Mystal

Breonna Taylor Was Murdered for Sleeping While Black

Breonna Taylor Was Murdered for Sleeping While Black Breonna Taylor Was Murdered for Sleeping While Black

The circumstances of Taylor’s murder by cops, who barged into her home late at night, are shocking. They are also common.

May 15, 2020 / Elie Mystal
