
As Miss World Turns As Miss World Turns

The war between religious fanaticism and secular modernity is fought over women's bodies.

Dec 5, 2002 / Column / Katha Pollitt

The Kissinger Deceit The Kissinger Deceit

Henry Kissinger, who coddled state-sponsored terrorists, has been put in charge of the September 11 terrorism investigation. A proven liar has been assigned the task of finding...

Dec 5, 2002 / Editorial / The Editors

Silver Lining Department Silver Lining Department


Dec 5, 2002 / Column / Calvin Trillin

Legal Victory for Airport Screeners Legal Victory for Airport Screeners

A federal judge hands nine workers an unexpected victory in their battle against a law requiring citizenship for all airport screeners.

Dec 3, 2002 / Feature / Michael Flaherty

Containing Saddam Containing Saddam

Critics of America's plans to oust Saddam Hussein militarily have mounted powerful arguments, but not one has articulated a coherent nonmilitary strategy to bring about the dem...

Nov 26, 2002 / Editorial / Andrew Mack

Inspections: The White House Fallback Position Inspections: The White House Fallback Position

If nothing shows in spyplane pics And Blix finds nothing in the sticks, That still won't put us in a fix. We'll blame it on Iraqi tricks,

Nov 26, 2002 / Column / Calvin Trillin

Ask the Relativist Ask the Relativist

Dear Dr. Madlaw,    As a newly elected member of Congress, I am appalled at the high cost of living in Washington. What's a hard-working public servant to do?

Nov 26, 2002 / Column / Patricia J. Williams

What Price Security? What Price Security?

Now, here's what the deal's supposed to be: In exchange for greater security you give up certain rights.

Nov 26, 2002 / Editorial / The Editors

Letter to America Letter to America

Resentment of US policies is growing.

Nov 26, 2002 / Feature / Jürgen Habermas

Pentagon Hawks Take Wing Pentagon Hawks Take Wing

A new Defense Department spy office could politicize intelligence gathering.

Nov 26, 2002 / Feature / Jason Vest
