World Leaders

Marc Raskin

Marcus Raskin, a True Citizen, Will Be Missed Marcus Raskin, a True Citizen, Will Be Missed

Raskin rejected the trappings of high office to create a space that might speak truth to that power. 

Jan 2, 2018 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Sebastian Kurz and Heinz-Christian Strache

The Far Right Is Now in Power in Austria The Far Right Is Now in Power in Austria

The new governing coalition includes the Freedom Party, which has deep roots in the country’s Nazi past.

Dec 29, 2017 / Jordan Stancil

Tourists in Havana taxi

How Trump Is Sabotaging Cuba’s New Private Sector How Trump Is Sabotaging Cuba’s New Private Sector

His policy is hurting Cuban entrepreneurs—the very private-sector small businesses that US officials claim to support.

Dec 21, 2017 / Benito Albisa Novo

Russian pedestrians

Why Russians Think ‘America Is Waging War Against Russia’ Why Russians Think ‘America Is Waging War Against Russia’

Russiagaters allege, with no evidence, that “Russia attacked America” in 2016, but many Russians believe—with reasonable cause—that the US has been attacking their country for 25 y...

Dec 20, 2017 / Stephen F. Cohen

Putin at desk

When Putin Talks, It Is Worth Listening When Putin Talks, It Is Worth Listening

On foreign-policy questions, many Russians stand shoulder-to-shoulder with their leader.

Dec 20, 2017 / Patrick Lawrence

Trump in Alabama

The World Is Ready to Burst Into Flames, and Donald Trump Is Holding the Match The World Is Ready to Burst Into Flames, and Donald Trump Is Holding the Match

Who will save us from our pyromaniac in chief?

Dec 19, 2017 / Rebecca Gordon

Michael Flynn White House

Media Malpractice Is Criminalizing Better Relations With Russia Media Malpractice Is Criminalizing Better Relations With Russia

The pillorying of General Flynn and hounding of Secretary of State Tillerson equate détente with “collusion with the Kremlin.”

Dec 13, 2017 / Stephen F. Cohen

Perry Pentagon

Amid the Clamor for War in Korea, Here Are Two Voices for Peace Amid the Clamor for War in Korea, Here Are Two Voices for Peace

A former Pentagon chief and a “dialogue practitioner” push for engagement.

Dec 12, 2017 / Tim Shorrock


The Death of a Dictator Leaves Yemen a Worse Mess The Death of a Dictator Leaves Yemen a Worse Mess

Ali Abdullah Saleh’s life is emblematic of the way the bright hopes of Arab nationalism have disintegrated into sectarianism.

Dec 11, 2017 / Juan Cole


The Honduran Government Is Trying to Steal an Election The Honduran Government Is Trying to Steal an Election

It’s increasingly clear that a majority of voters have had enough of US-backed President Juan Orlando Hernández.

Dec 6, 2017 / Miguel Salazar
