World Leaders

Ukraine Vote on Sunday Could Be Major Step Toward Ending the Crisis

Ukraine Vote on Sunday Could Be Major Step Toward Ending the Crisis Ukraine Vote on Sunday Could Be Major Step Toward Ending the Crisis

Yes, he’s a crooked billionaire backed by other crooked billionaires. So?

May 23, 2014 / Bob Dreyfuss

Narenda Modi’s Transformation From International Outcast to India’s Prime Minister

Narenda Modi’s Transformation From International Outcast to India’s Prime Minister Narenda Modi’s Transformation From International Outcast to India’s Prime Minister

The Hindu nationalist ran on a platform of “good governance.” What will happen now that he’s won?

May 21, 2014 / Priyamvada Gopal

Decrying Ukraine’s ‘Fascists,’ Putin Is Allying With Europe’s Far Right

Decrying Ukraine’s ‘Fascists,’ Putin Is Allying With Europe’s Far Right Decrying Ukraine’s ‘Fascists,’ Putin Is Allying With Europe’s Far Right

The truth is fascists aren’t going to rule either Ukraine or Western Europe anytime soon.

May 21, 2014 / Bob Dreyfuss

The Iran-P5+1 Talks Enter a Tough New Phase

The Iran-P5+1 Talks Enter a Tough New Phase The Iran-P5+1 Talks Enter a Tough New Phase

Patience is needed on all sides, and the US ought to make clear what sanctions relief Iran can expect once a deal is done.

May 19, 2014 / Bob Dreyfuss

Is Obama’s Foreign Policy Approach Really the Same as Bush’s?

Is Obama’s Foreign Policy Approach Really the Same as Bush’s? Is Obama’s Foreign Policy Approach Really the Same as Bush’s?

Two cheers for the president's centrist foreign policy. 

May 7, 2014 / Bob Dreyfuss

Hungary and the End of Politics

Hungary and the End of Politics Hungary and the End of Politics

How Victor Orbán launched a constitutional coup and created a one-party state.

May 6, 2014 / Books & the Arts / Kim Lane Scheppele

Weeks After the Abduction of 276 Nigerian Schoolgirls, the World Is Finally Paying Attention

Weeks After the Abduction of 276 Nigerian Schoolgirls, the World Is Finally Paying Attention Weeks After the Abduction of 276 Nigerian Schoolgirls, the World Is Finally Paying Attention

“I cannot begin to comprehend the terror you are feeling,” says Melissa Harris-Perry in her open letter.

May 5, 2014 / Melissa Harris-Perry

When Acceptance Just Isn’t Acceptable: Netanyahu’s Denial of Holocaust Acceptance

When Acceptance Just Isn’t Acceptable: Netanyahu’s Denial of Holocaust Acceptance When Acceptance Just Isn’t Acceptable: Netanyahu’s Denial of Holocaust Acceptance

Answering statements of Holocaust acceptance with denial is becoming a Netanyahu trademark.

Apr 28, 2014 / Eli Clifton

Russia Sabotages the Geneva Ukraine Accord, but New Sanctions Won’t Help

Russia Sabotages the Geneva Ukraine Accord, but New Sanctions Won’t Help Russia Sabotages the Geneva Ukraine Accord, but New Sanctions Won’t Help

And expanding or strengthening NATO will make things worse.

Apr 28, 2014 / Bob Dreyfuss

Stephen Cohen: As US Rushes Into New Cold War, Where Is the Debate?

Stephen Cohen: As US Rushes Into New Cold War, Where Is the Debate? Stephen Cohen: As US Rushes Into New Cold War, Where Is the Debate?

As the Obama administration increasingly embraces a Cold War mentality in its dealings with Putin's Russa, Nation contributing editor Stephen Cohen asks, where are the dissent...

Apr 23, 2014 / Stephen F. Cohen
