War and Peace

What’s Wrong With Comparing ISIS to a Disease

What’s Wrong With Comparing ISIS to a Disease What’s Wrong With Comparing ISIS to a Disease

While the Obama administration used cancer metaphors to sell a war, it ignored the spread of a real disease.

Oct 8, 2014 / Against the Current / Richard Kim

Gathering Fates

Gathering Fates Gathering Fates

For the German novelist Walter Kempowski, there was no single unifying experience of World War II.

Oct 7, 2014 / Books & the Arts / Michael Lipkin

Waiting for the Iranian Godot

Waiting for the Iranian Godot Waiting for the Iranian Godot

The United States and its allies keep waiting on Iran to make more concessions on its nuclear enrichment program. But they’re missing the bigger picture.

Oct 7, 2014 / Foreign Policy In Focus / Derek Davison and Foreign Policy In Focus

No, ISIS Is Not a Threat to the US

No, ISIS Is Not a Threat to the US No, ISIS Is Not a Threat to the US

The terror-mongers are at it again, but dangers to the “homeland” are vanishingly small. 

Oct 7, 2014 / Tom Engelhardt

Are You Doing Your Part to Support Endless War?

Are You Doing Your Part to Support Endless War? Are You Doing Your Part to Support Endless War?

Remember, hashtags are weapons of war.

Oct 6, 2014 / Blog / Tom Tomorrow

Is Israel Guilty of Genocide in Its Assault on Gaza?

Is Israel Guilty of Genocide in Its Assault on Gaza? Is Israel Guilty of Genocide in Its Assault on Gaza?

The Russell Tribunal on Palestine, inspired by the 1967 inquiry into American war crimes in Vietnam, examined the case.

Oct 6, 2014 / Richard Falk

Here’s Everything Wrong With the White House’s War on the Islamic State

Here’s Everything Wrong With the White House’s War on the Islamic State Here’s Everything Wrong With the White House’s War on the Islamic State

The Obama administration’s war plans in Iraq and Syria are illegal, ill-conceived and destined to fail. Here’s what the US—and you—can do instead.

Oct 2, 2014 / Foreign Policy In Focus / Peter Certo and Foreign Policy In Focus

The Coalition Against ISIS The Coalition Against ISIS

The White House talks of burden-shifting, But guess who’ll do the heavy lifting? If bombs won’t turn this thing around, Whose boots will those be on the ground?

Oct 1, 2014 / Column / Calvin Trillin

The Pretense of Balanced Debate: Behind the Media’s Blackout of Antiwar Views

The Pretense of Balanced Debate: Behind the Media’s Blackout of Antiwar Views The Pretense of Balanced Debate: Behind the Media’s Blackout of Antiwar Views

Eric on this week's concerts and Reed on the two-party debate that has only one, pro-war side.

Sep 30, 2014 / Blog / Eric Alterman and Reed Richardson

Congress’s Sorry Dereliction of Its War Powers Duty

Congress’s Sorry Dereliction of Its War Powers Duty Congress’s Sorry Dereliction of Its War Powers Duty

The founders would not have been shocked at the executive seeking to claim the war power, but they would be astounded at Congress voluntarily giving it up.

Sep 30, 2014 / Blog / Katrina vanden Heuvel
