
Is the Anti–Birth Control Mob Losing Its Grip on Congress? Is the Anti–Birth Control Mob Losing Its Grip on Congress?

Members of Congress—including some who oppose abortion—are beginning to see recent attempts to defund contraception for what they are: attacks on the American family.

Mar 14, 2011 / The Notion / Sharon Lerner

Nuclear Hubris: Could Japan’s Disaster Happen Here?

Nuclear Hubris: Could Japan’s Disaster Happen Here? Nuclear Hubris: Could Japan’s Disaster Happen Here?

The US has twenty-three reactors of the same design as the Fukushima No. 1 reactor that is now in partial meltdown, and our federal regulators are captives of the nuclear industry.

Mar 14, 2011 / Christian Parenti

NFL Players, Owners Hit Stalemate Over Financial Transparency NFL Players, Owners Hit Stalemate Over Financial Transparency

Americans face the prospect of no football in 2011 because players made a three-word demand that would not have cost the owners a dime: open your books.

Mar 13, 2011 / The Notion / Dave Zirin

King Hearing Casts Muslim Americans as Clueless, ‘Not Intellectually Equipped’ King Hearing Casts Muslim Americans as Clueless, ‘Not Intellectually Equipped’

Rep. Peter King’s witnesses tried to paint Muslims as untrustworthy citizens, but other speakers, including LA Sherriff Lee Baca, attested to broad cooperation with law enfor...

Mar 11, 2011 / Sarah Posner

Censoring of Malawian Doctor Highlights Obama Administration’s Timidity on International Abortion Censoring of Malawian Doctor Highlights Obama Administration’s Timidity on International Abortion

Dr. Chisale Mhango wanted to present research on the harm illegal abortion does to Malawian women. USAID decided that ran afoul of the Helms Amendment.

Mar 11, 2011 / The Notion / Sharon Lerner

Money, Talking Money, Talking

Eric on David Broder, Reed on NPR and undercover journalism and the mail.

Mar 10, 2011 / Blog / Eric Alterman

Peter King’s ‘Islamic Radicalization’ Hearings Fan Paranoid Fantasies Peter King’s ‘Islamic Radicalization’ Hearings Fan Paranoid Fantasies

But now that the supposed widespread radicalization of American Muslims is being paraded around as political truth, it’s important to respond.

Mar 10, 2011 / Moustafa Bayoumi

Obama’s ‘War on Terror’ Obama’s ‘War on Terror’

Between indefinite detentions in Guantánamo and the treatment of Bradley Manning, President Obama has shown that the poisonous shards of Abu Ghraib are still with us.

Mar 10, 2011 / Editorial / The Editors

Gitmo in the Heartland

Gitmo in the Heartland Gitmo in the Heartland

Inside the secret, mostly Muslim prisons that ban virtually all contact with the outside world.

Mar 10, 2011 / Feature / Alia Malek

Vermont’s Struggle for Single-Payer Healthcare Vermont’s Struggle for Single-Payer Healthcare

Could the Green Mountain state be the first in the country to offer accessible healthcare to all its citizens?

Mar 10, 2011 / Feature / Steve Early
