Regions and Countries

December 13, 2003: Saddam Hussein Is Captured

December 13, 2003: Saddam Hussein Is Captured December 13, 2003: Saddam Hussein Is Captured

“Neither the overthrow of the Baathist regime nor Saddam’s capture can erase the fact that Washington helped prop up Saddam for years.”

Dec 13, 2015 / 150th Anniversary / Richard Kreitner

Marco Rubio shakes hands with major donor and former employer Norman Braman in Miami.

Meet Marco Rubio’s Far-Right Neocon Donors Meet Marco Rubio’s Far-Right Neocon Donors

This billionaire bestiary is pushing ultra-hawkish and retrograde policies that are repellent to most Americans.

Dec 11, 2015 / Eli Clifton

Former ICE detainees and hunger strikers rally outside Hillary Clinton's campaign headquarters in Brooklyn, New York.

For These Refugees, Trump’s Threats Are Already a Reality For These Refugees, Trump’s Threats Are Already a Reality

For one group of Bangladeshi asylum seekers, the threat of “banning Muslims” is far from hypothetical.

Dec 11, 2015 / Michelle Chen

December 11, 1981: The Salvadoran Army Murders More Than 800 Civilians in El Mozote

December 11, 1981: The Salvadoran Army Murders More Than 800 Civilians in El Mozote December 11, 1981: The Salvadoran Army Murders More Than 800 Civilians in El Mozote

“President Reagan certified to Congress that the government of El Salvador was making ‘a concerted and significant effort’ to respect human rights.”

Dec 11, 2015 / 150th Anniversary / Richard Kreitner

The End of Chavismo? Why Venezuela’s Ruling Party Lost Big, and What Comes Next

The End of Chavismo? Why Venezuela’s Ruling Party Lost Big, and What Comes Next The End of Chavismo? Why Venezuela’s Ruling Party Lost Big, and What Comes Next

Even Chavistas are fed up with the economic crisis and want change. But unlike the right, grassroots leaders are calling for more popular control and collective decision-making.

Dec 10, 2015 / Gabriel Hetland

Washington to Whomever: Please Fight the Islamic State for Us

Washington to Whomever: Please Fight the Islamic State for Us Washington to Whomever: Please Fight the Islamic State for Us

Why the Gulf states, the Kurds, the Turks, the Sunnis, and the Shia won’t fight America’s war.

Dec 10, 2015 / Peter Van Buren

US NATO Ukraine

US and NATO Double Down on the Cold War Versus Russia US and NATO Double Down on the Cold War Versus Russia

In the aftermath of the Paris and San Bernardino attacks, Washington and Brussels still reject a coalition with Moscow against international terrorism.

Dec 9, 2015 / Audio / Stephen F. Cohen

Paul Ryan

How Paul Ryan Aids and Abets Donald Trump How Paul Ryan Aids and Abets Donald Trump

So what if Ryan disagrees with Trump on some issues? What matters is Ryan's commitment to back Trump if he’s nominated.

Dec 9, 2015 / John Nichols

A couple wades through floodwaters in Jakarta, Indonesia.

How Climate Change Will Transform Work How Climate Change Will Transform Work

Workers in the Global South need more than wind turbines and high-brow organic farms—they need livelihoods that can mitigate ecological crisis.

Dec 9, 2015 / Michelle Chen

‘Democracy, as Usual,’ in Venezuela

‘Democracy, as Usual,’ in Venezuela ‘Democracy, as Usual,’ in Venezuela

Few outside observers realize that the fundamental conflict is not over democracy; it’s over oil.

Dec 8, 2015 / Miguel Tinker Salas and Victor Silverman
