Regions and Countries

Laos Unexploded Bombs

The Heroes Behind Obama’s Historic Announcement in Laos The Heroes Behind Obama’s Historic Announcement in Laos

The United States will devote $90 million to finding and disposing of 50-year-old unexploded bombs.

Sep 6, 2016 / John Cavanagh

US Special Forces in Mali

How Many Missions Has the US Military Carried Out in Africa? No One Knows For Sure. How Many Missions Has the US Military Carried Out in Africa? No One Knows For Sure.

The military continues to downplay its numbers in Africa while US taxpayers cover the rising costs.

Sep 6, 2016 / Nick Turse

Behind the Sun

Behind the Sun Behind the Sun

In four books about Syria and Egypt, the narrative arc of revolution bends toward disappointment.

Sep 6, 2016 / Books & the Arts / Ursula Lindsey

Assad Regime to Besieged Aleppo: Surrender or Starve

Assad Regime to Besieged Aleppo: Surrender or Starve Assad Regime to Besieged Aleppo: Surrender or Starve

“It was raining mortars, some landing just 20 meters from us…”

Sep 2, 2016 / Roy Gutman


The Burkini Ban Represents Everything That Is Wrong About France’s Approach to Minorities The Burkini Ban Represents Everything That Is Wrong About France’s Approach to Minorities

The country’s militant secularism treats otherness as a temporary phase on the road to assimilation.

Sep 2, 2016 / Michelle Chen

Rebels in Aleppo.

US Hawks Are Using a New UN Report to Call for a Wider War in Syria US Hawks Are Using a New UN Report to Call for a Wider War in Syria

The report’s claims that Assad continued using chemical weapons after committing to destroy them is being held up as the new casus belli.

Sep 1, 2016 / James Carden

Trump in Arizona

Trump, in a Major Immigration Speech, Is Back in Fearmongering Form Trump, in a Major Immigration Speech, Is Back in Fearmongering Form

In Mexico, Trump is solemn and praising; in Arizona, he’s back to hysterical horror shows.

Sep 1, 2016 / Julianne Hing

Donald Trump Tijuana

Mexicans Scorn Trump’s Visit—And Peña Nieto for Having Invited Him Mexicans Scorn Trump’s Visit—And Peña Nieto for Having Invited Him

“You confront tyrants. You don’t appease them.”

Aug 31, 2016 / Greg Grandin


Italy’s Five Star Movement May Be the Heir to Mussolini’s Fascists Italy’s Five Star Movement May Be the Heir to Mussolini’s Fascists

The party harps on the messianic theme of redemption for the betrayed, is allied with Britain’s far-right UKIP, and is controlled with an iron hand by leader Beppe Grillo.

Aug 30, 2016 / Frederika Randall

The Strategic Savvy of Russia’s Growing Anti-Abortion Movement

The Strategic Savvy of Russia’s Growing Anti-Abortion Movement The Strategic Savvy of Russia’s Growing Anti-Abortion Movement

Russia’s anti-abortion activists have found success by using the fear of demographic decline to sway both church and government officials.

Aug 30, 2016 / Ilaria Parogni
