Regions and Countries

Rebels in Aleppo.

US Hawks Are Using a New UN Report to Call for a Wider War in Syria US Hawks Are Using a New UN Report to Call for a Wider War in Syria

The report’s claims that Assad continued using chemical weapons after committing to destroy them is being held up as the new casus belli.

Sep 1, 2016 / James Carden

Trump in Arizona

Trump, in a Major Immigration Speech, Is Back in Fearmongering Form Trump, in a Major Immigration Speech, Is Back in Fearmongering Form

In Mexico, Trump is solemn and praising; in Arizona, he’s back to hysterical horror shows.

Sep 1, 2016 / Julianne Hing

Donald Trump Tijuana

Mexicans Scorn Trump’s Visit—And Peña Nieto for Having Invited Him Mexicans Scorn Trump’s Visit—And Peña Nieto for Having Invited Him

“You confront tyrants. You don’t appease them.”

Aug 31, 2016 / Greg Grandin


Italy’s Five Star Movement May Be the Heir to Mussolini’s Fascists Italy’s Five Star Movement May Be the Heir to Mussolini’s Fascists

The party harps on the messianic theme of redemption for the betrayed, is allied with Britain’s far-right UKIP, and is controlled with an iron hand by leader Beppe Grillo.

Aug 30, 2016 / Frederika Randall

The Strategic Savvy of Russia’s Growing Anti-Abortion Movement

The Strategic Savvy of Russia’s Growing Anti-Abortion Movement The Strategic Savvy of Russia’s Growing Anti-Abortion Movement

Russia’s anti-abortion activists have found success by using the fear of demographic decline to sway both church and government officials.

Aug 30, 2016 / Ilaria Parogni

Peruvian Anti-IMF Protests

Will the IMF Become Irrelevant Before It Changes? Will the IMF Become Irrelevant Before It Changes?

The neoliberal reforms it has imposed on countries around the world have been disastrous.

Aug 29, 2016 / Mark Weisbrot

Ukrainian Tanks

The US Defense Industry and the ‘Weaponization’ of American Foreign Policy The US Defense Industry and the ‘Weaponization’ of American Foreign Policy

When the US provides “security assistance” and exports weapons to places like Ukraine and Saudi Arabia, it often benefits nobody besides weapons manufacturers.

Aug 29, 2016 / James Carden

Dilma Rousseff Rally

An International Tribunal Declares the Impeachment of Brazil’s Dilma Rousseff an Illegitimate Coup An International Tribunal Declares the Impeachment of Brazil’s Dilma Rousseff an Illegitimate Coup

The grounds for it are baseless, and many of the legislators pushing it are themselves under indictment for serious crimes.

Aug 26, 2016 / Azadeh Shahshahani

Oliver North's Hearing

The First E-mail Scandal, Long Before Hillary Clinton: Iran/Contra The First E-mail Scandal, Long Before Hillary Clinton: Iran/Contra

She’s not the first powerbroker to get into trouble for mishandling e-mails. Reagan aides Oliver North and John Poindexter were convicted of destroying public records.

Aug 25, 2016 / Greg Grandin

David Koch

Who’s Scamming Veterans Now? Why, It’s the Koch Brothers, of Course! Who’s Scamming Veterans Now? Why, It’s the Koch Brothers, of Course!

Who else would use American war casualties as an opportunity for profit?

Aug 25, 2016 / Ann Jones
