National Security

How the Government Misled the Supreme Court on Warrantless Wiretapping

How the Government Misled the Supreme Court on Warrantless Wiretapping How the Government Misled the Supreme Court on Warrantless Wiretapping

The Snowden revelations have vindicated The Nation and the ACLU. When will the government correct the record and stop the abuses?

Dec 18, 2013 / Editorial / Jameel Jaffer and Patrick C. Toomey

How the CIA Bungled the War on Terror

How the CIA Bungled the War on Terror How the CIA Bungled the War on Terror

It's like Hollywood without the happy ending.

Dec 5, 2013 / Pratap Chatterjee

Could Google and the NSA Make Whistleblowers Disappear?

Could Google and the NSA Make Whistleblowers Disappear? Could Google and the NSA Make Whistleblowers Disappear?

There will be no need to kill a future Edward Snowden. He will already be dead.

Dec 3, 2013 / Peter Van Buren

How Mohammed Warsame Became an Accidental ‘Terrorist’

How Mohammed Warsame Became an Accidental ‘Terrorist’ How Mohammed Warsame Became an Accidental ‘Terrorist’

In the wake of 9/11, prosecutors have embraced “special administrative measures” to keep terrorism suspects guilty until proven otherwise.

Nov 27, 2013 / David Thomas

Telecom Shareholders Demand Data on Government Surveillance

Telecom Shareholders Demand Data on Government Surveillance Telecom Shareholders Demand Data on Government Surveillance

Activist investors are pushing for accountability from AT&T and Verizon.

Nov 26, 2013 / Editorial / Andrés S. Pertierra

Forget the ‘Hunger Games’: Dystopia Is Alive and Well in America

Forget the ‘Hunger Games’: Dystopia Is Alive and Well in America Forget the ‘Hunger Games’: Dystopia Is Alive and Well in America

My safety 'tis of thee; sweet land of security.

Nov 25, 2013 / Tom Engelhardt

These Lawmakers Have a Plan to Rein In NSA Spying

These Lawmakers Have a Plan to Rein In NSA Spying These Lawmakers Have a Plan to Rein In NSA Spying

And it’s a bipartisan effort.

Nov 19, 2013 / Robert Scheer

Time to End the Spying Game

Time to End the Spying Game Time to End the Spying Game

Americans are justifiably upset about the NSA’s sweeping domestic surveillance. But we should be just as concerned about spying on foreigners.

Nov 13, 2013 / Editorial / David Cole

The NSA Mistakes Omniscience For Omnipotence

The NSA Mistakes Omniscience For Omnipotence The NSA Mistakes Omniscience For Omnipotence

In a world without privacy, there are no exemptions for our spies.

Nov 12, 2013 / Tom Engelhardt

The True Patriots in Congress Are Trying to End NSA Tyranny

The True Patriots in Congress Are Trying to End NSA Tyranny The True Patriots in Congress Are Trying to End NSA Tyranny

A bipartisan bill would end the NSA’s bulk data collection as we know it.

Nov 12, 2013 / Robert Scheer
