
Jon Stewart Takes on Torture Supporters Jon Stewart Takes on Torture Supporters

Jon Stewart surveys the misdirected outrage Obama's release of the Bush administration's torture memos has provoked on the right.

Apr 21, 2009 / Video / The Daily Show

Blowback at the Border Blowback at the Border

Drug prohibition and unregulated guns gave us the Mexican drug wars.

Apr 15, 2009 / Feature / Peter Schrag

What Do (Battered) Women Want? What Do (Battered) Women Want?

We take it for granted that when men hit, it's up to women to run away. Except, some of them stay.

Apr 15, 2009 / Column / Katha Pollitt

Dead Souls Dead Souls

Life sentences without possibility of parole contribute to the ever-expanding gulag of our criminal justice system.

Apr 15, 2009 / Beat the Devil / Alexander Cockburn

Webb’s Prison Crusade Webb’s Prison Crusade

The Virginia senator's willingness to take up this cause is evidence that the culture gap may be closing.

Apr 15, 2009 / Editorial / Chris Hayes

Reach Out to Cuba to Heal Guantánamo’s Wounds Reach Out to Cuba to Heal Guantánamo’s Wounds

As Obama seeks to remake the US-Cuba relationship, why not form a partnership to transform the prison into a health research center?

Apr 13, 2009 / Editorial / Marcus G. Raskin and Joshua Frens-String

Limbaugh Gets Lashed By a Listener Limbaugh Gets Lashed By a Listener

The Nation's Chris Hayes discusses Rush Limbaugh's clash with an angry caller, who's a Republican veteran.

Apr 13, 2009 / Video / Countdown

They Fought the Law: Fred Strebeigh’s Equal They Fought the Law: Fred Strebeigh’s Equal

An outstanding history of women's struggle for equality through the courts and in the legal profession.

Apr 8, 2009 / Books & the Arts / Michael O’Donnell

Global Crime Wave? Global Crime Wave?

In this global economic meltdown, with fifty million people potentially losing their jobs by the end of this year, one beneficiary will likely by crime syndicates.

Apr 6, 2009 / Feature / Michael T. Klare

Did Colin Powell Authorize Torture? Did Colin Powell Authorize Torture?

Former Secretary of State Colin Powell seems to be suffering from an all-too-familiar case of Bush-era memory loss

Apr 3, 2009 / Video / The Rachel Maddow Show
