Higher Education

Columbia University student journalist

What Student Journalists at Columbia Really Learned What Student Journalists at Columbia Really Learned

In the classroom, professors taught the importance of the free press, at the same time as the administration stifled the work of student journalists and intimidated them through t...

May 17, 2024 / StudentNation / Anna Oakes, Indy Scholtens, Emily Byrski, Angelica Ang, Claire Elana Davenport, and Fahima Degia

CCNY Student Protest

CUNY and Columbia: A Tale of Two Campuses CUNY and Columbia: A Tale of Two Campuses

Why are the City College protesters being charged with felonies that could land them up to nine years in jail—while Columbia students are facing much lighter sentences?

May 16, 2024 / Nicolas Niarchos

Students set up an encampment in solidarity with Palestine at George Washington University with other area universities in Washington, DC, on April 27, 2024.

Students Are Rejecting the Country’s Culture of Death Students Are Rejecting the Country’s Culture of Death

For the economic and political establishment, the students protesting Israel’s ongoing war in Gaza constitute a control issue, potentially writ large.

May 14, 2024 / Norman Solomon

The Media Keeps Asking the Wrong Questions About Biden and the “Uncommitted” Vote The Media Keeps Asking the Wrong Questions About Biden and the “Uncommitted” Vote

Expecting voters to support the person with the power to stop the killing of their families, but who refuses to use it, is asking the impossible. This is about now, not November.

May 14, 2024 / Phyllis Bennis

A protester waves a Palestinian flag from the roof of Hamilton Hall at Columbia University on April 30, 2024.

The Anti-War Movement Needs to Claim Its Victories The Anti-War Movement Needs to Claim Its Victories

There’s no need to accept the churlish narrative of Biden and the establishment. The administration’s shift on Israel is a gain that can—and must—be built on.

May 13, 2024 / Jeet Heer

The Gaza Solidarity Encampment at Columbia University

The Student Protesters Are Demonstrating Their Bravery, Not Antisemitism The Student Protesters Are Demonstrating Their Bravery, Not Antisemitism

The real threat to American Jews comes not from students but from the MAGA Republicans who are shouting about antisemitism the loudest.

May 10, 2024 / Helen Benedict

Demonstration held in Jordan to show solidarity with Palestinians in Gaza.

Students at Universities Across Jordan Are Protesting for Gaza Students at Universities Across Jordan Are Protesting for Gaza

For months, thousands have flooded the country’s streets in protest. But students say that the surge of encampments in America helped increase actions at Jordanian universities.

May 10, 2024 / StudentNation / Esther Sun

Students wrap Palestinian flag and Keffiye around the statue of George Washington at the George Washington University encampment protest.

Palestine Is Everywhere, and It Is Making Us More Free Palestine Is Everywhere, and It Is Making Us More Free

More letters from the apocalypse.

May 10, 2024 / George Abraham and Sarah Aziza

A campus police officer stand stands at the ready as protesters demonstrate at the University of Chicago on May 3, 2024.

Campus Police Are Among the Armed Heavies Cracking Down on Students Campus Police Are Among the Armed Heavies Cracking Down on Students

While some of the worst behavior has come from local and state police, university police have shown themselves to be just as capable of brutality.

May 9, 2024 / Alex S. Vitale

Yale University students reoccupy a central lawn on campus and establish a second Gaza Solidarity camp after the first tents were taken down by campus police, April 26, 2024, in New Haven, Connecticut.

Universities Like Mine Are Providing an Authoritarian Blueprint for Trump Universities Like Mine Are Providing an Authoritarian Blueprint for Trump

The potential next president and his allies are looking at the campus-led crackdown on free speech as a perfect dress rehearsal.

May 9, 2024 / Gregg Gonsalves
