Guns and Gun Control

How Walmart Helped Make the Newtown Shooter’s AR-15 the Most Popular Assault Weapon in America

How Walmart Helped Make the Newtown Shooter’s AR-15 the Most Popular Assault Weapon in America How Walmart Helped Make the Newtown Shooter’s AR-15 the Most Popular Assault Weapon in America

A massive recent spike in gun sales has boosted Walmart’s flagging profits, making it the top seller of firearms and ammunition nationwide.

Dec 19, 2012 / Feature / George Zornick

Newtown: It Doesn’t Have to Happen Again

Newtown: It Doesn’t Have to Happen Again Newtown: It Doesn’t Have to Happen Again

We have the ability to prevent another mass shooting. But do we have the will?

Dec 19, 2012 / Editorial / The Editors

Roots of a Rampage

Roots of a Rampage Roots of a Rampage

It's still unclear what motivated the Newtown shooter, but the small towns where such deadly outbursts tend to occur have some things in common.

Dec 19, 2012 / Editorial / Katherine S. Newman

After Newtown, Beware Fear-Driven Policymaking

After Newtown, Beware Fear-Driven Policymaking After Newtown, Beware Fear-Driven Policymaking

In crafting laws after the horrifying killings in Connecticut, it’s crucial that we recognize our own collective trauma before we rush to act.

Dec 19, 2012 / Column / Melissa Harris-Perry

John Nichols: Bridging the Gap on Gun Control John Nichols: Bridging the Gap on Gun Control

In the wake of a national tragedy, how do we have a productive conversation about how to keep our country safe?

Dec 19, 2012 / Nation in the News / Press Room

Don’t Be Fooled: Walmart Hasn’t Changed Anything

Don’t Be Fooled: Walmart Hasn’t Changed Anything Don’t Be Fooled: Walmart Hasn’t Changed Anything

Walmart hasn’t stopped the sale of a single gun in the wake of Sandy Hook, even though many other stores have. 

Dec 18, 2012 / Blog / George Zornick

The Unbearable Elasticity of Gun Logic

The Unbearable Elasticity of Gun Logic The Unbearable Elasticity of Gun Logic

For the gun lobby, Newtown was evidence that more guns are necessary.

Dec 18, 2012 / Todd Gitlin

Sandy Hook Must Push Us Toward the Collective and Away from Individualism

Sandy Hook Must Push Us Toward the Collective and Away from Individualism Sandy Hook Must Push Us Toward the Collective and Away from Individualism

The urge to pull children from schools and arm oneself may be understandable, but we need to come together for solutions.

Dec 18, 2012 / Blog / Bryce Covert

Fill-in-the-Blank Generic Gun Massacre Cartoon Fill-in-the-Blank Generic Gun Massacre Cartoon

For re-use, over and over and over again.

Dec 18, 2012 / Blog / Tom Tomorrow

After Shooting, Gun Control Petition Breaks White House Record

After Shooting, Gun Control Petition Breaks White House Record After Shooting, Gun Control Petition Breaks White House Record

There is an unusually large, organized drive for gun control after the murder at Sandy Hook Elementary.

Dec 17, 2012 / Blog / Ari Melber
