Why Future Generations Will Ask Where You Were on September 21, 2014 Why Future Generations Will Ask Where You Were on September 21, 2014
The People's Climate March proves the climate movement has reached critical mass, like the civil rights movement, antiwar, feminist and gay movements before it.
Oct 2, 2014 / Todd Gitlin

Students Are Leading the Fight Against Climate Change With a Simple Strategy: Divest Now! Students Are Leading the Fight Against Climate Change With a Simple Strategy: Divest Now!
It could just be the first step toward reversing this slow-motion apocalypse.
Nov 21, 2013 / Todd Gitlin

The Wonderful American World of Informers and Agents Provocateurs The Wonderful American World of Informers and Agents Provocateurs
Close encounters of the lower-tech kind.
Jun 27, 2013 / Todd Gitlin

Is the Press Too Big to Fail? Is the Press Too Big to Fail?
From climate change to financial meltdown, the worst of our journalism is becoming the norm.
Apr 25, 2013 / Todd Gitlin

The Unbearable Elasticity of Gun Logic The Unbearable Elasticity of Gun Logic
For the gun lobby, Newtown was evidence that more guns are necessary.
Dec 18, 2012 / Todd Gitlin
More Than a Protest Movement More Than a Protest Movement
The American people aren't looking for militants and vanguards, they want a full-service Occupy.
Mar 14, 2012 / Feature / Todd Gitlin

Will Occupy Embrace Nonviolence? Will Occupy Embrace Nonviolence?
The Occupy movement has been a seedbed of creativity. Now it needs to declare its values.
Feb 8, 2012 / Todd Gitlin
Hatchet Man’s Heresy Hunt… Hatchet Man’s Heresy Hunt…
New York City
Mar 15, 2006 / Michael Kazin, Daniel Lazare, Brian Morton, and Todd Gitlin
MIA: News of Prison Toll MIA: News of Prison Toll
The media has ignored prisoner deaths suffered at American hands.
Jun 16, 2005 / Todd Gitlin
No Bush, No Chicago ’68 No Bush, No Chicago ’68
The war on the other side of the world was launched with high expectations but is now widely seen as a fiasco.
Aug 12, 2004 / John Passacantando and Todd Gitlin