
Tara Reade

I Believe Tara Reade. And You Should, Too. I Believe Tara Reade. And You Should, Too.

We already knew that Biden is the type. Had we as voters and had the Democratic Party taken this seriously, we wouldn’t be in this mess now.

May 5, 2020 / Kate Manne

Tom Tomorrow cartoon

Reopening America Is Only Safe in Trump’s Dreams Reopening America Is Only Safe in Trump’s Dreams

Someone bring Trump into reality.

May 5, 2020 / Tom Tomorrow

Donald Trump walks while outside, wearing a blue suit and blue hat that says

Trump’s Covid-19 Reckoning Is Only the Beginning Trump’s Covid-19 Reckoning Is Only the Beginning

The pandemic provides more than enough evidence to render a judgment on Trump as one of the worst presidents in American history, but the broader political system is also to blame.

May 4, 2020 / no-paywall / Jeet Heer

Shock Doctrine: The McConnell Method

Shock Doctrine: The McConnell Method Shock Doctrine: The McConnell Method

The Senate majority leader is hell-bent on sticking it to blue states, no matter what it takes, no matter who gets hurt.

May 4, 2020 / Robert L. Borosage

McConnell’s Stimulus Scam: Vaccinate Businesses, Expose Workers

McConnell’s Stimulus Scam: Vaccinate Businesses, Expose Workers McConnell’s Stimulus Scam: Vaccinate Businesses, Expose Workers

The Senate leader wants to block businesses from being sued for putting people at risk of Covid-19—thus ensuring people are put at risk.

May 1, 2020 / no-paywall / Elie Mystal

Donald Trump sits at a desk with Mitch McConnell and Kevin McCarthy standing behind him

Trump and GOP to Nation: Go Bankrupt, Drop Dead Trump and GOP to Nation: Go Bankrupt, Drop Dead

They’re promoting policies that could push not only the economy but the US system of government to the breaking point.

May 1, 2020 / no-paywall / Sasha Abramsky

The Most Consequential Decision of Biden’s 2020 Campaign

The Most Consequential Decision of Biden’s 2020 Campaign The Most Consequential Decision of Biden’s 2020 Campaign

Democrats really can’t waste the VP slot this time.

May 1, 2020 / Editorial / John Nichols

‘If Not Now, When?’ Behind the Growing Push for a Black Woman VP Nominee.

‘If Not Now, When?’ Behind the Growing Push for a Black Woman VP Nominee. ‘If Not Now, When?’ Behind the Growing Push for a Black Woman VP Nominee.

Acknowledged as the “backbone” of the Democratic Party, black women want to be recognized as national leaders, too.

May 1, 2020 / Joan Walsh

Cate Blanchett as Phyllis Schlafly

Why Did the ERA Die? FX’s ‘Mrs. America’ Has Some Answers. Why Did the ERA Die? FX’s ‘Mrs. America’ Has Some Answers.

Phyllis Schlafly, the subject of a new nine-part mini-series, teaches feminists never to underestimate their political enemies.

Apr 30, 2020 / Column / Katha Pollitt

How to Reopen Congress Quickly, Safely—and Remotely

How to Reopen Congress Quickly, Safely—and Remotely How to Reopen Congress Quickly, Safely—and Remotely

The people’s branch must start using proxy votes and virtual oversight hearings so they can do their job.

Apr 29, 2020 / John Nichols
