Foreign Policy

Letter From Qatar Letter From Qatar

Qataris meet with a visitor to ponder the world economy, the plight of the Palestinians and a new American president.

Mar 5, 2009 / Feature / Clayton Swisher

Obama’s Call to Action Obama’s Call to Action

Let's make sure Obama's investment in America's future isn't squandered in the mountains of Afghanistan.

Feb 26, 2009 / Editorial / The Editors

The Politics of Hunger The Politics of Hunger

Oil prices have come down steadily but the global food crisis continues to worsen. What's driving the crisis at home and abroad?

Jan 27, 2009 / Video / GRITtv

Echoes of South African Redemption Echoes of South African Redemption

If the last great redemptive moment in global politics was Nelson Mandela's liberation and ascent to power, Barack Obama's presidency will be the next.

Jan 15, 2009 / Feature / Mark Gevisser

What Obama Means to the World What Obama Means to the World

Coming to terms with a black American not as a symbol of protest, but as a symbol of power.

Jan 15, 2009 / Feature / Gary Younge

Questions for Hillary Clinton Questions for Hillary Clinton

Barack Obama's nominee for Secretary of State takes questions today from the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. The Nation has some questions of its own.

Jan 12, 2009 / Editorial / The Editors

Ideas for a New Era Ideas for a New Era

It's time for progressives to create coalitions and craft smart strategies that will push Obama and the new Congress to seize this moment.

Dec 23, 2008 / Editorial / The Editors

How Obama Can Reform Russia Policy How Obama Can Reform Russia Policy

The Obama administration simply cannot afford a confrontation with Russia, given the challenges we face elsewhere.

Dec 23, 2008 / Feature / Anatol Lieven

Iraq: The Necessary Withdrawal Iraq: The Necessary Withdrawal

The removal of US troops must be prompt, complete and coupled with smart diplomacy.

Dec 23, 2008 / Feature / Juan Cole

Canada’s Coalition Chaos Canada’s Coalition Chaos

After three years of exploiting a divided left, Canada's Conservative prime minister is fighting for his political life. A progressive proposal to establish a coalition government ...

Dec 12, 2008 / Feature / Will Di Novi
