
Democracy Spring 2016

Don’t Let Corporate Money Dominate the Midterms Don’t Let Corporate Money Dominate the Midterms

You can also organize in your community to demand that all separated immigrant families are reunited and freed from detention.

Jul 31, 2018 / no-paywall / NationAction


The US Deported 468 Parents—but Kept Their Children The US Deported 468 Parents—but Kept Their Children

Lawyers and advocates have launched a massive effort to find them.

Jul 31, 2018 / Zoë Carpenter

Protesters rip an electoral poster of president Jovenel Moïse

Amid an Uprising, Can Haitian President Jovenel Moïse Deliver on His Promises? Amid an Uprising, Can Haitian President Jovenel Moïse Deliver on His Promises?

Haiti’s “Banana Man” compared himself to Trump—he was more right than we realized.

Jul 27, 2018 / Jake Johnston

Donald Trump Speaks During an Event at the White House

Democrats Shouldn’t Defend Bad Policies Just to Resist Trump Democrats Shouldn’t Defend Bad Policies Just to Resist Trump

When Trump strikes a populist tone, expose him as a fraud—don’t back the corporate stance.

Jul 26, 2018 / Editorial / Robert L. Borosage

DSA High School

Whom Is the DSA Reaching? The Teens. Whom Is the DSA Reaching? The Teens.

Since Ocasio-Cortez’s win, a surge of YDSA members from high schools around the country want to organize chapters at their schools.

Jul 26, 2018 / StudentNation / Abdullah Shihipar

NYU Abu Dhabi

The Labor Abuse That Went Into NYU’s Abu Dhabi Campus The Labor Abuse That Went Into NYU’s Abu Dhabi Campus

According to a new report, for nearly a decade, the construction of the new campus systematically exposed workers to abuse and coercion.

Jul 26, 2018 / StudentNation / Michelle Chen

Children of the Opiod Crisis in Foster Care

Our Foster-Care System Shouldn’t Separate Families Either Our Foster-Care System Shouldn’t Separate Families Either

It’s not just our immigration system; taking children away from their parents should always be a last resort.

Jul 26, 2018 / Rachel Blustain

Kem Monovithya

‘The Election Is a Sham’: A Q&A With Cambodian Opposition Leader Kem Monovithya ‘The Election Is a Sham’: A Q&A With Cambodian Opposition Leader Kem Monovithya

Cambodians head to the polls on July 29, but there is no viable opposition left on the ballot.

Jul 26, 2018 / Q&A / Safiya Charles

Stuyvesant High School

Elite New York High Schools Need More Diversity—Standardized Testing Isn’t Helping Elite New York High Schools Need More Diversity—Standardized Testing Isn’t Helping

Standardized testing won’t encourage diversity in elite New York City high schools—creating a supportive culture will.

Jul 25, 2018 / StudentNation / Gabriela Thorne

black farmers

Psst! The Farm Bill Includes a Rare Provision That Could Help Black Farmers Psst! The Farm Bill Includes a Rare Provision That Could Help Black Farmers

Buried deep in the bill, the provision would grant heirs’-property owners access to federal support programs for the first time.

Jul 24, 2018 / Leah Douglas
