
A young man holds up a sign at a recent rally against the repeal of the ACA

We Can’t Miss the Next Chance to Force the Vote on Medicare for All We Can’t Miss the Next Chance to Force the Vote on Medicare for All

The tactic helps pinpoint which Democrats value donors over working people.

Feb 23, 2021 / The Debate / Chase Iron Eyes

Medicare for All rally

Before Forcing the Vote on Medicare for All, We Must Build Power Before Forcing the Vote on Medicare for All, We Must Build Power

Overcoming the ruthless opposition of the health care industry will take a mass movement.

Feb 23, 2021 / The Debate / Natalie Shure

President Donald Trump

Calls to Disqualify Trump Using the 14th Amendment Grow Louder Calls to Disqualify Trump Using the 14th Amendment Grow Louder

The amendment outlines how insurrectionists and those who give “aid or comfort” to sedition can be disqualified.

Feb 19, 2021 / John Nichols

The Trump-McConnell Death Match Is Good for Dems—and the Country

The Trump-McConnell Death Match Is Good for Dems—and the Country The Trump-McConnell Death Match Is Good for Dems—and the Country

The prospect of a fracturing Republican Party presents both opportunities and dangers.

Feb 17, 2021 / Jeet Heer


Can the NAACP Succeed Where Everyone Else Has Failed? Can the NAACP Succeed Where Everyone Else Has Failed?

The organization is suing Trump on behalf of Representative Bennie Thompson, a survivor of the Capitol insurrection, under the 1871 Ku Klux Klan Act.

Feb 17, 2021 / Elie Mystal

Senator Mitch McConnell

How to Hold Senate Republicans Accountable How to Hold Senate Republicans Accountable

Defeat them at the polls.

Feb 16, 2021 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Senator Ron Johnson

The 43 Senators of the Republican Sedition Caucus Are Every Bit As Guilty as Donald Trump The 43 Senators of the Republican Sedition Caucus Are Every Bit As Guilty as Donald Trump

Voters must be reminded in 2022 that senators like Wisconsin’s Ron Johnson chose partisanship over their constitutional duty.

Feb 16, 2021 / John Nichols

Impeachment Was Only the Beginning

Impeachment Was Only the Beginning Impeachment Was Only the Beginning

Trump’s two impeachments are just the start of a long struggle to turn the former president into a pariah.

Feb 15, 2021 / Jeet Heer for The Nation

The Senate Has Failed America

The Senate Has Failed America The Senate Has Failed America

A refusal to convict a guilty insurrectionist, and a failure to call witnesses against him, is a tragic abandonment of accountability.

Feb 13, 2021 / John Nichols

Trump’s Lawyers Were Terrible—but Will It Matter?

Trump’s Lawyers Were Terrible—but Will It Matter? Trump’s Lawyers Were Terrible—but Will It Matter?

Almost. He’ll probably be acquitted anyway, but Republicans are going to pay for this mess.

Feb 13, 2021 / Joan Walsh
