Chase Iron Eyes

Chase Iron Eyes's distinguished career fighting for the civil rights for Natives includes serving as director of Lakota People's Law Project, cofounding the Native news website Last Real Indians, as a Standing Rock Activist, and work in the Native Lives Matter movement.

A photo of a group of people gathered, from behind, looking up at a bare tree and a statue.

Should America Keep Celebrating Thanksgiving? Should America Keep Celebrating Thanksgiving?

Sean Sherman argues that we need to decolonize Thanksgiving, while Chase Iron Eyes calls for replacing Thanksgiving with a “Truthsgiving.”

Nov 20, 2023 / The Debate / Sean Sherman and Chase Iron Eyes

A young man holds up a sign at a recent rally against the repeal of the ACA

We Can’t Miss the Next Chance to Force the Vote on Medicare for All We Can’t Miss the Next Chance to Force the Vote on Medicare for All

The tactic helps pinpoint which Democrats value donors over working people.

Feb 23, 2021 / Editorial / Chase Iron Eyes
