Climate Change

If We Want to Adapt to Climate Change, We Need to Start Now

If We Want to Adapt to Climate Change, We Need to Start Now If We Want to Adapt to Climate Change, We Need to Start Now

According to the IPCC’s latest report, global warming is already hurting people, especially the poor, and is bound to get worse in the years ahead. 

Mar 31, 2014 / Mark Hertsgaard

Why We Must Divest From Fossil Fuels: A Student’s Open Letter to Harvard President Drew Faust

Why We Must Divest From Fossil Fuels: A Student’s Open Letter to Harvard President Drew Faust Why We Must Divest From Fossil Fuels: A Student’s Open Letter to Harvard President Drew Faust

Harvard graduate student Benjamin Franta implores President Drew Gilpin Faust to be honest about her opposition to divestment.

Mar 19, 2014 / Wen Stephenson

Disaster Militarism: Rethinking US Relief in the Asia-Pacific

Disaster Militarism: Rethinking US Relief in the Asia-Pacific Disaster Militarism: Rethinking US Relief in the Asia-Pacific

Disaster relief has increasingly become part of the justification for increased US troop deployments in the Asia-Pacific region.

Mar 14, 2014 / Annie Isabel Fukushima, Ayano Ginoza, Michiko Hase, Gwyn Kirk, Deborah Lee, Taeva Shefler, and Foreign Policy In Focus

By the Way, Your Home Is On Fire

By the Way, Your Home Is On Fire By the Way, Your Home Is On Fire

The climate of change and the dangers of stasis.

Mar 11, 2014 / Rebecca Solnit

Senators to Pull All-Nighter to Push for Climate Action

Senators to Pull All-Nighter to Push for Climate Action Senators to Pull All-Nighter to Push for Climate Action

 From Monday evening until Tuesday morning, more than two dozen lawmakers will speak on the Senate floor about the urgency of climate change.

Mar 10, 2014 / Zoë Carpenter

Nearly 400 Arrested at XL Dissent—the Largest White House Civil Disobedience Action in a Generation

Nearly 400 Arrested at XL Dissent—the Largest White House Civil Disobedience Action in a Generation Nearly 400 Arrested at XL Dissent—the Largest White House Civil Disobedience Action in a Generation

The student-led protest was a dramatic demonstration of the youth climate movement’s growing resolve—and its sense of solidarity.

Mar 7, 2014 / Wen Stephenson

Could Approving Keystone Really Harm Democratic Prospects in 2014? Yes

Could Approving Keystone Really Harm Democratic Prospects in 2014? Yes Could Approving Keystone Really Harm Democratic Prospects in 2014? Yes

Sunday's march on the White House offered a reminder of just how serious young voters are about this issue.

Mar 3, 2014 / John Nichols

Obama Administration Takes a Step Toward Drilling in the Atlantic

Obama Administration Takes a Step Toward Drilling in the Atlantic Obama Administration Takes a Step Toward Drilling in the Atlantic

Should climate hawks really worry about rising domestic fossil fuel production?

Feb 28, 2014 / Zoë Carpenter

Bill McKibben: Is Agriculture Destroying the Planet?

Bill McKibben: Is Agriculture Destroying the Planet? Bill McKibben: Is Agriculture Destroying the Planet?

Is a more sustainable future possible for farming?

Feb 27, 2014 / On The Earth Productions

Keystone XL Might Make You Sick, Literally

Keystone XL Might Make You Sick, Literally Keystone XL Might Make You Sick, Literally

One Senate Democrat says the State Department’s environmental review was “woefully inadequate when it came to exploring human impacts of the pipeline.” 

Feb 27, 2014 / Zoë Carpenter
