Campaign Finance

Going Down the Road Going Down the Road

How quickly the joy fades.

Nov 7, 2002 / Editorial / Jim Hightower

Reformer From Goldman Sachs Reformer From Goldman Sachs

Senator Corzine speaks from knowledge when he calls for regulatory reform.

Sep 11, 2002 / Feature / William Greider

State Judges for Sale State Judges for Sale

In the 39 states that elect appellate judges, politicization of the bench is growing.

Aug 15, 2002 / Feature / Michael Scherer

Dialing for Clean Dollars Dialing for Clean Dollars

If a definition of news is something that hasn't happened before, readers of the New York Times may be excused for wondering why the paper featured a front-page story on June 8 on...

Jun 13, 2002 / Editorial / The Editors

Campaign Finance: The Sequel Campaign Finance: The Sequel

With McCain-Feingold finally passed, it's time to focus again on public funding.

Apr 11, 2002 / Feature / John Nichols

Campaign Finance Reform Campaign Finance Reform

We're told that this campaign reform is not The end-all of the sleaziness we've got. But it must have some worthwhile changes in it If Tom DeLay and Hastert are agin it.

Feb 21, 2002 / Column / Calvin Trillin

Real Reform Post-Enron Real Reform Post-Enron

As the House of Representatives was about to begin debating a modest campaign finance reform bill, former Enron CEO Kenneth Lay was taking the Fifth before the Senate commerce co...

Feb 14, 2002 / Editorial / The Editors

NYC Campaign Reform NYC Campaign Reform

The success of Michael Bloomberg's $69 million race for Mayor of New York against Mark Green was widely seen as a setback for campaign finance reform. But the Bloomberg campaign de...

Feb 14, 2002 / Editorial / Richard Kirsch

Post-Campaign Reform Reform Post-Campaign Reform Reform

Hurray for campaign finance reform--well, kind of.

Feb 14, 2002 / Feature / David Corn

Bush to Lay: What Was Your Name Again? Bush to Lay: What Was Your Name Again?

If you believe President Bush, Kenneth Lay--one of his top financial backers and his "good friend"--was merely an equal-opportunity corrupter of our political system, buying off ...

Jan 15, 2002 / Column / Robert Scheer
