
This Machine Fights Fascism

This Machine Fights Fascism This Machine Fights Fascism

Artists using their work to combat lies.

Jun 11, 2024 / OppArt / Peter Kuper

Cars move slowly through traffic in midtown Manhattan on June 6, 2024.

Has NY Governor Kathy Hochul Killed Congestion Pricing For Good? Has NY Governor Kathy Hochul Killed Congestion Pricing For Good?

Or just until after the election? Either way, she’s blown a $15 billion hole in the MTA budget, leaving New Yorkers with overcrowded streets, filthy air, and an underfunded subwa...

Jun 11, 2024 / Ross Barkan

Marchers in tie-dyed t-shirts hold a sign reading

Transphobia Spreads in a “Haven” for LGBTQ Youth Transphobia Spreads in a “Haven” for LGBTQ Youth

For young people in Massachusetts facing queer- and transphobia, the statehouse feels very far away.

Jun 11, 2024 / Comment / Emmet Fraizer

Pope Francis leading the weekly general audience in Vatican City.

Why Did a Progressive Pope Use a Gay Slur? Why Did a Progressive Pope Use a Gay Slur?

Given Francis’s apparent embrace of LGBTQ people, many found his use of the offensive term frociaggine confounding—blame fragile masculinity.

Jun 11, 2024 / Michael F. Pettinger

Grants Pass v. Johnson SCOTUS protest

The Supreme Court Could Make Encampment Sweeps Even More Dangerous The Supreme Court Could Make Encampment Sweeps Even More Dangerous

Unhoused people face significant health risks from encampment sweeps. Grants Pass v. Johnson threatens to make them much more common.

Jun 10, 2024 / StudentNation / Maggie Grether

Steve Schwarzman speaking to students

Why Plutocrats Are Rallying to Trump Why Plutocrats Are Rallying to Trump

Civic lessons won’t sway America’s oligarchs. Instead, we need forthright economic populism to bring them to heel.

Jun 10, 2024 / Jeet Heer

Thousands of pro-Palestinian protesters are gathering outside the White House in Washington, D.C., USA, on June 8, 2024,

What the “Uncommitted” Campaign Has Already Won What the “Uncommitted” Campaign Has Already Won

We now know for sure: The movement was President Biden’s most powerful rival in the 2024 primaries. And it’s bringing that strength to the DNC in Chicago.

Jun 10, 2024 / John Nichols

Using Up Our Water Supplies…

Using Up Our Water Supplies… Using Up Our Water Supplies…

Like there’s no tomorrow.

Jun 10, 2024 / OppArt / Peter Kuper

Can the “OG Organizer” Keep Biden in the White House?

Can the “OG Organizer” Keep Biden in the White House? Can the “OG Organizer” Keep Biden in the White House?

A veteran of every major social movement of the past 50 years, Heather Booth is now trying to reelect Joe Biden. She’s in the fight of her life.

Jun 10, 2024 / Feature / Joan Walsh

A police commander punches a protester in Brooklyn on May 31 during a demonstration against Israeli attacks on Rafah. A New York court approved a settlement agreement that obligates the NYPD to minimize its presence at protests and facilitate First Amendment activity.

The NYPD Is Back to Its Violent Old Ways The NYPD Is Back to Its Violent Old Ways

New York City police promised to minimize their presence at protests and stop brutalizing demonstrators. The NYPD is barely pretending to follow the settlement agreement.

Jun 10, 2024 / Ella Fanger
