Maggie Grether

Maggie Grether is a 2024 Puffin student writing fellow for The Nation. She is the editor in chief of The New Journal at Yale University.

Blake Street Tenants Union Protest

The Connecticut Tenants Union Trying to Buy Their Apartment Building The Connecticut Tenants Union Trying to Buy Their Apartment Building

Members of the Blake Street Tenants Union in New Haven see community ownership as critical to preserving affordable housing. Is now the time for widespread tenant control?

Sep 2, 2024 / StudentNation / Maggie Grether

Grants Pass v. Johnson SCOTUS protest

The Supreme Court Could Make Encampment Sweeps Even More Dangerous The Supreme Court Could Make Encampment Sweeps Even More Dangerous

Unhoused people face significant health risks from encampment sweeps. Grants Pass v. Johnson threatens to make them much more common.

Jun 10, 2024 / StudentNation / Maggie Grether
