US Military

This nuclear explosion was conducted at the Nevada Test Site in 1953.

Don’t Believe the Military. We Don’t “Need” More Nuclear Weapons. Don’t Believe the Military. We Don’t “Need” More Nuclear Weapons.

If we’re set on Armageddon, America’s existing force of nuclear submarines is more than enough.

Jun 12, 2024 / William Astore

Yemen Cluster Bomb

When a Bomb Explodes, Someone Profits When a Bomb Explodes, Someone Profits

The military-industrial complex’s hidden domination of our lives must end, which means we must dismantle it.

Jun 6, 2024 / Comment / David Vine and Theresa Arriola

A protester holds a sign at a vigil outside the United States Mission to the United Nations in New York City on November 30, 2023, calling on the US to be the first nuclear-armed state to sign the Nuclear Weapons Ban Treaty.

A Just-Released Watchdog Report Makes the Case for Eliminating Land-Based Nuclear Missiles A Just-Released Watchdog Report Makes the Case for Eliminating Land-Based Nuclear Missiles

Land-based missiles are redundant and dangerous.

Jun 4, 2024 / William D. Hartung

A US Army soldier on patrol near the Turkish border in northeastern Syria, May 2021.

The US Military’s Long History of Killing Innocents The US Military’s Long History of Killing Innocents

The Department of Defense’s annual civilian casualty report is two years behind—but even when it finally arrives, will it say anything of substance?

May 30, 2024 / Nick Turse

Defense Secretary Austin, General Brown Hold Media Briefing At The Pentagon

The Ukraine Aid Package Heightens the Risk of Escalation  The Ukraine Aid Package Heightens the Risk of Escalation 

The passage by Congress of the latest aid package to Ukraine was met with cheers, but there is ample reason for caution.

May 2, 2024 / James Carden and Katrina vanden Heuvel

American military helicopter wreckage in Mogadishu

The US Military Ignores and Neglects the Civilian Victims of Its Air Strikes The US Military Ignores and Neglects the Civilian Victims of Its Air Strikes

The United States can find time to issue orders for new air strikes but not to issue apologies for past errant attacks.

Feb 2, 2024 / Nick Turse

Senators Burton K. Wheeler of Montana and Robert Taft of Ohio study a globe.

This Isn’t Your Father’s GOP. It’s Your Grandfather’s GOP. This Isn’t Your Father’s GOP. It’s Your Grandfather’s GOP.

Today's Republicans aren’t isolationists; they are hawks targeting Latin America and Asia.

Nov 6, 2023 / Jeet Heer

Josh Paul in front of a stone wall

“Why I Resigned From the State Department” “Why I Resigned From the State Department”

An interview with Josh Paul.

Oct 30, 2023 / Laura Flanders

television screen with soldier and american flag; pax americana

How Today’s Turmoil Is Eliciting a Wave of Nostalgia for Pax Americana How Today’s Turmoil Is Eliciting a Wave of Nostalgia for Pax Americana

Yet the notion that the United States ever withdrew from the world is risible.

Oct 17, 2023 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

US Foreign Policy Has an Extinction Agenda

US Foreign Policy Has an Extinction Agenda US Foreign Policy Has an Extinction Agenda

As the world loses time to act, US elites are working to dominate the remains of a ruined planet.

Sep 5, 2023 / Forever Wars / Spencer Ackerman
