William D. Hartung


William D. Hartung is a senior research fellow at the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft.

Mideast Bahrain US Military

Venture Capitalists Are Gunning for New Frontiers in Techno-War Venture Capitalists Are Gunning for New Frontiers in Techno-War

These corporate promoters of a new way of war view themselves as a new breed of patriots, ready and able to successfully confront the military challenges of the future.

Jun 26, 2024 / William D. Hartung

Conservatives Are Gearing Up for a Major Military Expansion Under Trump 2.0

Conservatives Are Gearing Up for a Major Military Expansion Under Trump 2.0 Conservatives Are Gearing Up for a Major Military Expansion Under Trump 2.0

If Project 2025 gets its way, a second Trump term will funnel more money to the Pentagon, dwarfing even the Biden administration’s spending.

Jun 5, 2024 / Feature / William D. Hartung

A protester holds a sign at a vigil outside the United States Mission to the United Nations in New York City on November 30, 2023, calling on the US to be the first nuclear-armed state to sign the Nuclear Weapons Ban Treaty.

A Just-Released Watchdog Report Makes the Case for Eliminating Land-Based Nuclear Missiles A Just-Released Watchdog Report Makes the Case for Eliminating Land-Based Nuclear Missiles

Land-based missiles are redundant and dangerous.

Jun 4, 2024 / William D. Hartung

A pro-Palestinian protest of Harvard students and their supporters ends on the lawn behind Klarman Hall, at Harvard Business School, after starting in the Old Yard by Massachusetts Hall.

The Students Protesting the War in Gaza Are Continuing a Proud Tradition The Students Protesting the War in Gaza Are Continuing a Proud Tradition

One thing is guaranteed: The commitment of this generation of student activists will reverberate through the progressive movement for years to come.

May 21, 2024 / William D. Hartung

photo of a US tank; US training ukrainian military how to use it, it will be delivered there

Want to Cut the National Budget? Start With Military Spending. Want to Cut the National Budget? Start With Military Spending.

The biggest driver of overspending is an unrealistic, self-indulgent, and militaristic national defense strategy.

Mar 28, 2024 / Julia Gledhill and William D. Hartung

Lockheed F-35 Jet Australia

Military Spending Isn’t the Economic Galvanizer You Think it Is Military Spending Isn’t the Economic Galvanizer You Think it Is

The opportunity costs of throwing endless trillions of dollars at the military means far less is invested in other crucial American needs

Feb 29, 2024 / William D. Hartung

photo of a US tank; US training ukrainian military how to use it, it will be delivered there

The Devastating Wars Abroad Are Windfalls for Weapons Manufacturers The Devastating Wars Abroad Are Windfalls for Weapons Manufacturers

Your tax dollars are being squandered in the rush to build and sell ever more weaponry for ongoing wars.

Nov 23, 2023 / William D. Hartung

Civilians in Gaza rescue people trapped under rubble

Israel’s War in Gaza, Subsidized by the USA Israel’s War in Gaza, Subsidized by the USA

Reliance on US aid gives the Biden administration leverage to push for a cease-fire, hostage exchange, and an end to the slaughter of civilians—if it can find the political will.

Nov 10, 2023 / William D. Hartung

A Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning fighter jet is shown at the Singapore Airshow in 2014

The Pentagon Won Big With the Debt Ceiling Bill The Pentagon Won Big With the Debt Ceiling Bill

And thanks to a loophole in the budget deal, national security spending will only increase.

Jul 3, 2023 / William D. Hartung and Julia Gledhill

A Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning fighter jet is shown at the Singapore Airshow in 2014

The Military Industrial Complex Is More Powerful Than Ever The Military Industrial Complex Is More Powerful Than Ever

The current war machine isn’t your grandfather’s MIC, not by a country mile.

May 9, 2023 / William D. Hartung and Benjamin Freeman
