William Astore

William Astore is a retired Air Force lieutenant colonel and history professor who blogs at Bracing Views.

This nuclear explosion was conducted at the Nevada Test Site in 1953.

Don’t Believe the Military. We Don’t “Need” More Nuclear Weapons. Don’t Believe the Military. We Don’t “Need” More Nuclear Weapons.

If we’re set on Armageddon, America’s existing force of nuclear submarines is more than enough.

Jun 12, 2024 / William Astore

US Military

America Is Addicted to War America Is Addicted to War

The genocide happening in Gaza today may foreshadow one possible future for this planet.

Apr 16, 2024 / William Astore

Recent Troops in Afghanistan

A Bigger Military Budget Won’t Make Us Safer A Bigger Military Budget Won’t Make Us Safer

National security is best advanced not by endlessly preparing for war, but by fostering peace.

Mar 20, 2024 / William Astore

US Soldiers Afghanistan

The American Military Is Truly Exceptional—at Spending Money The American Military Is Truly Exceptional—at Spending Money

Americans can certainly brag about one thing this country has beyond compare: the most expensive military around.

Aug 11, 2023 / William Astore

Donald Trump hugs the flag of the United States of America at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference in 2020.

Is America Worth Saving? Is America Worth Saving?

Known as “the arsenal of democracy” during World War II, America has now simply become an arsenal.

Jun 9, 2023 / William Astore

A black-and-white photo with a mushroom-shaped explosion.

The Best Years of My Country Are Behind Me The Best Years of My Country Are Behind Me

Thirty years ago, I caught a fleeting glimpse out of the corner of my eye of a better future, a better America, a better world. It was not to be.

May 11, 2023 / William Astore

US Military

More Guns Won’t Serve the Cause of Peace More Guns Won’t Serve the Cause of Peace

The Pentagon’s soaring war budget broadcast a clear and shocking message to the world: Blessed are the war makers.

Mar 24, 2023 / William Astore

US special forces group conducting weapons training

War Racketeers Won’t Reform Themselves War Racketeers Won’t Reform Themselves

Isn’t it time to hold Congress truly responsible for enabling ever more war by voting out military sycophants?

Feb 2, 2023 / William Astore

Hagel speaks with Afghanistan troops

When It Comes to the US Military, Nothing Succeeds Like Failure When It Comes to the US Military, Nothing Succeeds Like Failure

Constant warfare and preparations for more of it overseas have led only to costly defeats, and the budget just keeps getting bigger.

Jan 19, 2023 / William Astore

B-52 releases MOP

Defense Contractors Are Escorting Us Down the Path to Armageddon Defense Contractors Are Escorting Us Down the Path to Armageddon

It’s hard to think of a system more filthy or rotten than one that threatens to destroy most life on our planet, so that this country could in some fashion “win” World War III.

Dec 19, 2022 / William Astore
