
Kerry, Lavrov, de Mistura at talks in Munich

The Friends and Foes of Détente With Russia The Friends and Foes of Détente With Russia

Events from Turkey, Washington, Moscow, and Syria to Cleveland affect the Obama-Putin attempted rapprochement.

Jul 20, 2016 / Audio / Stephen F. Cohen

US NATO Ukraine

Can Europe Stop Washington’s Military Provocations on Russia’s Borders? Can Europe Stop Washington’s Military Provocations on Russia’s Borders?

The extremism at NATO’s Warsaw summit revealed doves in opposition to the new Cold War hawks, but not in the United States.

Jul 13, 2016 / Audio / Stephen F. Cohen

Poroshenko NATO

‘Aggression’ May Be Threatening Europe—but NATO Is Looking for It in the Wrong Place ‘Aggression’ May Be Threatening Europe—but NATO Is Looking for It in the Wrong Place

As world leaders in Warsaw focus on Russia’s “aggressive actions,” Europe’s real problems go unnoticed.

Jul 11, 2016 / James Carden

Obama Hiroshima Wreath

There Are 15,000 Nuclear Weapons Still Posing an Intolerable Threat to Humanity There Are 15,000 Nuclear Weapons Still Posing an Intolerable Threat to Humanity

These mayors are trying to change that.

Jul 8, 2016 / Cities Rising / Mayor Frank Cownie

NATO exercise

The United States and NATO Are Preparing for a Major War With Russia The United States and NATO Are Preparing for a Major War With Russia

Massive military exercises and a troop buildup on NATO’s eastern flank reflect a dangerous new strategy.

Jul 7, 2016 / Michael T. Klare

Svetlana Alexievich’s Voices

Svetlana Alexievich’s Voices Svetlana Alexievich’s Voices

At a time when populism is in vogue, the Nobel Laureate has gone in the opposite direction. We need to read her and listen to the people she hears.

Jul 6, 2016 / Books & the Arts / John Palattella

The Imperative of a US-Russian Alliance vs. International Terrorism

The Imperative of a US-Russian Alliance vs. International Terrorism The Imperative of a US-Russian Alliance vs. International Terrorism

Terrorist organizations are the number one existential threat, not “Putin’s Russia,” and Russia is the best ally America could have in fighting them.

Jul 6, 2016 / Audio / Stephen F. Cohen

Recep Tayyip Erdogan

The Istanbul Terror Attack May Force a Reckoning in Turkey’s Foreign Policy The Istanbul Terror Attack May Force a Reckoning in Turkey’s Foreign Policy

Ankara has already patched up relations with Israel and Russia—and Washington could be next.

Jul 6, 2016 / Juan Cole

Putin 2016

The Media’s Incessant Barrage of Evidence-Free Accusations Against Russia The Media’s Incessant Barrage of Evidence-Free Accusations Against Russia

In one month, its government has been accused of hacking the DNC, orchestrating the Brexit, tacitly supporting Trump, and more.

Jul 5, 2016 / James Carden

Keep Calm and Carry On: Why the Angst Over Brexit?

Keep Calm and Carry On: Why the Angst Over Brexit? Keep Calm and Carry On: Why the Angst Over Brexit?

Brexit is no more about Vladimir Putin than it is about Donald Trump or the Syria “red-line.”

Jun 27, 2016 / James Carden
