Defense spending

Our Floundering Public School System Is Failing Teachers

Our Floundering Public School System Is Failing Teachers Our Floundering Public School System Is Failing Teachers

Wherever you want to lay the blame, the solution isn’t hard to find—it’s just expensive.

Apr 29, 2022 / Frida Berrigan

Iraqi Soldier by Gutted Iraqi Hospital

The Leftist Argument for Not Paying Your Taxes The Leftist Argument for Not Paying Your Taxes

Not paying taxes for unjust wars has a long history in this country.

Apr 13, 2022 / Rebecca Gordon

US Navy Pacific Ocean

What Will It Take to Shrink the Pentagon’s Budget? What Will It Take to Shrink the Pentagon’s Budget?

We have now reached the point in our collective history where we face three certainties: death, taxes, and ever-soaring spending on weaponry and war.

Apr 6, 2022 / William Astore

An aerial view of the Pentagon

We Don’t Need to Go Back to Cold War Spending—We’re Already There We Don’t Need to Go Back to Cold War Spending—We’re Already There

Before Washington embarks on a new Cold War, it’s time to remind ourselves of the global consequences of the last one.

Mar 25, 2022 / William D. Hartung, Nick Cleveland-Stout, and Taylor Giorno

Ukraine soldiers near tank

Russia, Ukraine, and the New Bipartisanship in Washington Russia, Ukraine, and the New Bipartisanship in Washington

Democrats and Republicans unite in boosting Pentagon spending.

Feb 23, 2022 / Michael T. Klare

US special forces group conducting weapons training

Another Banner Year for the Military-Industrial Complex Another Banner Year for the Military-Industrial Complex

Opposing Build Back Better while throwing so much more money at the Pentagon marks the ultimate in budgetary and national-security hypocrisy.

Feb 4, 2022 / William D. Hartung

Drone Strikes

Automated Warfare Is Nothing New Automated Warfare Is Nothing New

It didn’t just start with drones—and it won’t stop with them.

Jan 13, 2022 / Rebecca Gordon

Biden Lloyd Austin

The Great Myth of the ”Great“ American Military The Great Myth of the ”Great“ American Military

A yawning gap looms between that military’s agreed upon reputation here and its actual performance.

Dec 24, 2021 / Andrew J. Bacevich

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin

There’s Always More Money for the Pentagon There’s Always More Money for the Pentagon

Meanwhile, we’re told to do more with less.

Dec 15, 2021 / William Astore

F-35 Lockheed Martin

We’re Spending Money on War When We Could Be Building Roads We’re Spending Money on War When We Could Be Building Roads

Our problem in this country isn’t lack of funds, no matter what the Republicans, Manchin, and Sinema may claim.

Nov 25, 2021 / Andrea Mazzarino
