Hubert Humphrey and the Unmaking of Cold War Liberalism Hubert Humphrey and the Unmaking of Cold War Liberalism
A new biography captures how the Minnesota senator and vice president was poised to be liberalism’s conscience but instead played a role in its downfall.
Oct 18, 2018 / Books & the Arts / Michael Kazin

The Trials of Jimmy Carter The Trials of Jimmy Carter
The president without a party.
Jul 5, 2018 / Books & the Arts / Michael Kazin

The Two Andrew Jacksons The Two Andrew Jacksons
Jacksonian democracy may have been liberating for some, but it was repressive for many others.
Aug 10, 2017 / Books & the Arts / Michael Kazin

We Know We Hate the Establishment—but Do We Know What It Is? We Know We Hate the Establishment—but Do We Know What It Is?
The vague term obscures where power really lies.
Apr 28, 2016 / Feature / Michael Kazin

Who Is the Real Progressive: Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders? Who Is the Real Progressive: Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders?
Four historians consider how the Democratic candidates fit within the history of the Progressive tradition.
Feb 24, 2016 / Kim Phillips-Fein, Charles Postel, Robert Greene II, and Michael Kazin
Building a Movement by Offering Solutions Building a Movement by Offering Solutions
The left's hope lies in reviving the tradition of speaking in credible, urgent, moral ways about policies to aid the great majority.
Aug 12, 2010 / Feature / Michael Kazin
Paranoia Strikes Deep Paranoia Strikes Deep
If Obama and his progressive allies hope to defeat the latest assault on federal power, they will need to go beyond his artful ambivalence.
Aug 26, 2009 / Michael Kazin
Strange Alchemy Strange Alchemy
In A Conservative History of the American Left, Daniel Flynn can't decide whether to ridicule the left or fear it.
Jun 3, 2008 / Books & the Arts / Michael Kazin
Hatchet Man’s Heresy Hunt… Hatchet Man’s Heresy Hunt…
New York City
Mar 15, 2006 / Michael Kazin, Daniel Lazare, Brian Morton, and Todd Gitlin
Barbara Ehrenreich’s White Collar Blues Barbara Ehrenreich’s White Collar Blues
Barbara Ehrenreich probes a deeper level of white-collar angst: people who lose or quit their corporate jobs and routinely spend months, even years, finding another.
Sep 15, 2005 / Books & the Arts / Michael Kazin