Donald Trump Is Already Setting Up His Next Con Donald Trump Is Already Setting Up His Next Con
Trump’s lies about election rigging will do real damage to a Clinton presidency.
Aug 9, 2016 / Joan Walsh

The GOP’s Bottomless Bottom The GOP’s Bottomless Bottom
Trump’s attacks on the Khans aren’t surprising. We know there’s no low he won’t hit. But now Republican leaders are going down with him.
Aug 2, 2016 / Joan Walsh

Hillary Clinton Bets Against Fear Hillary Clinton Bets Against Fear
The first female nominee delivered an appeal for hope and unity, while the grieving father of a Muslim soldier killed in Iraq lowered the boom on Trump.
Jul 29, 2016 / Joan Walsh

Hillary Clinton Lets the Men Make Her Case on Night 3 of the DNC Hillary Clinton Lets the Men Make Her Case on Night 3 of the DNC
One powerful man after another wielded his powers on behalf of the first woman to be nominated by a major party for president of the United States.
Jul 28, 2016 / Joan Walsh

How Hillary Clinton Made History How Hillary Clinton Made History
Throughout her career, she’s won over rivals, critics, even enemies. That’s how a woman has to do it.
Jul 27, 2016 / Joan Walsh

Michelle Obama Brings the Healing Michelle Obama Brings the Healing
Clinton’s best character witness explains why she’s the person to succeed her husband, and quiets even furious Sanders supporters.
Jul 26, 2016 / Joan Walsh

Tim Kaine Deserves Better—He’s No Blue-Dog Democrat Tim Kaine Deserves Better—He’s No Blue-Dog Democrat
Some on the left downplay Kaine’s work for racial justice, an issue that’s crucial to the Obama coalition.
Jul 25, 2016 / Joan Walsh

Donald Trump’s Angry, Dark Speech Caps Off a Disastrous RNC Donald Trump’s Angry, Dark Speech Caps Off a Disastrous RNC
The only thing Republicans could seemingly agree on is that Hillary Clinton belongs in prison.
Jul 22, 2016 / Joan Walsh

Islamophobes, White Supremacists, and Gays for Trump—the Alt-Right Arrives at the RNC Islamophobes, White Supremacists, and Gays for Trump—the Alt-Right Arrives at the RNC
Pamela Geller, Milo Yiannopoulos, Geert Wilders, Peter Brimelow, Richard Spencer, and a cast of anti-immigrant, anti-Muslim conservatives partied into the night.
Jul 20, 2016 / Joan Walsh

Night 1 of the RNC: When Plagiarism Isn’t Your Worst Problem Night 1 of the RNC: When Plagiarism Isn’t Your Worst Problem
Trump’s opening night featured racism, xenophobia, and crude attacks on his enemies. Maybe he’s lucky we’re focusing on his wife’s speech.
Jul 19, 2016 / Joan Walsh