Let’s Just Say It: Donald Trump Is a Sexist Pig Let’s Just Say It: Donald Trump Is a Sexist Pig
After a string of new revelations over the weekend, we can just say what has become obvious to everyone.
Oct 3, 2016 / Joan Walsh

Donald Trump Is Being Outplayed by Women—and He’s Losing His Mind Over It Donald Trump Is Being Outplayed by Women—and He’s Losing His Mind Over It
The GOP nominee’s pathological sexism could be what kills his presidential hopes. Good.
Sep 30, 2016 / Joan Walsh

At the First Debate, Clinton Faced Asymmetric Warfare—and Won At the First Debate, Clinton Faced Asymmetric Warfare—and Won
“Donald, I know you live in your own reality,” she said calmly. And it gradually became clear she was right.
Sep 27, 2016 / Joan Walsh

Yes, Donald Trump Can Win the First Debate—Here’s How Yes, Donald Trump Can Win the First Debate—Here’s How
If the moderator lets him lie, Clinton could be in trouble.
Sep 23, 2016 / Joan Walsh

Donald Trump’s Plans to Help Women Are Ridiculously Regressive Donald Trump’s Plans to Help Women Are Ridiculously Regressive
Funding for “maternity leave,” plus a child-care tax credit that favors the rich, are programs targeted at the well-off white women who are abandoning the GOP.
Sep 14, 2016 / Joan Walsh

A Lot of Trump Supporters Are Deplorable—and a Lot of the Media Are Too A Lot of Trump Supporters Are Deplorable—and a Lot of the Media Are Too
The frenzy over Clinton’s warning about bigoted Trump backers, along with her minor health scare Sunday, is just more media malpractice.
Sep 12, 2016 / Joan Walsh

Donald Trump’s Misogynist Ratpack Donald Trump’s Misogynist Ratpack
Trump has surrounded himself with sexists and serial adulterers. Sexual harasser Roger Ailes is an “adviser.” No wonder he’s struggling with women voters.
Sep 7, 2016 / Joan Walsh

Can the Democrats Win Back White Working-Class Voters? Can the Democrats Win Back White Working-Class Voters?
Maybe—but first we need to understand why they left the party.
Sep 6, 2016 / Feature / Joan Walsh

The Media Are Doing an Abysmal Job of Covering Donald Trump’s Racism The Media Are Doing an Abysmal Job of Covering Donald Trump’s Racism
Too many outlets have equated Hillary Clinton’s speech documenting Trump’s racism with his baseless accusation that she is a bigot.
Aug 30, 2016 / Joan Walsh

Meet the ‘Feminists’ Doing the Koch Brothers’ Dirty Work Meet the ‘Feminists’ Doing the Koch Brothers’ Dirty Work
The Independent Women’s Forum has leveraged its “non-partisan” brand to become an aggressive player in Republican politics.
Aug 18, 2016 / Joan Walsh