Daniel Judt

Daniel Judt is a graduate student worker at Yale, where he studies American political economy and labor history.

Bernardo Arévalo celebrates his win

La Victoria de Bernardo Arévalo Trae a Guatemala Otra Primavera Democrática La Victoria de Bernardo Arévalo Trae a Guatemala Otra Primavera Democrática

La sorprendente victoria del candidato anticorrupción podría marcar una nueva temporada esperanzadora para el país. Pero sólo si se le permite tomar el poder y ejercerlo.

Aug 31, 2023 / En español / Daniel Judt

Bernardo Arévalo celebrates his win

Bernardo Arévalo’s Unexpected Victory Brings Guatemala Another Democratic Spring Bernardo Arévalo’s Unexpected Victory Brings Guatemala Another Democratic Spring

The anti-corruption candidate's stunning upset could mark a new and hopeful era for the country. But only if he is allowed to take power—and to exercise it.

Aug 22, 2023 / Comment / Daniel Judt

A group of people surround a podium. There are posters hanging from the podium saying

These 20 Striking Detroit Baristas Could Lead a Union Revival These 20 Striking Detroit Baristas Could Lead a Union Revival

By asking the NLRB to force their employer to recognize the union without holding an election, they are striking a bold blow for industrial democracy.

Mar 14, 2022 / Highlights / Daniel Judt

A CASE canvasser in PPE reviews a list of names.

Opportunity Knocks: Canvassing in the Time of Covid Opportunity Knocks: Canvassing in the Time of Covid

While Democrats abandoned in-person door knocking because of the pandemic, Republicans never stopped. Democrats have finally decided to end their unilateral disarmament.

Oct 23, 2020 / Daniel Judt and Maxwell Ulin

In the UK, Climate Isn’t a Political Issue. That’s a Problem.

In the UK, Climate Isn’t a Political Issue. That’s a Problem. In the UK, Climate Isn’t a Political Issue. That’s a Problem.

The choice we face in responding to the climate crisis is between a just transition—and just a transition.

Sep 22, 2020 / Feature / Daniel Judt

Australia’s Devastating Wildfires Were Not Inevitable

Australia’s Devastating Wildfires Were Not Inevitable Australia’s Devastating Wildfires Were Not Inevitable

The country was once actually poised to lead on climate politics.

Jan 27, 2020 / Feature / Daniel Judt

Can Extinction Rebellion Put Climate Change ‘Beyond Politics’?

Can Extinction Rebellion Put Climate Change ‘Beyond Politics’? Can Extinction Rebellion Put Climate Change ‘Beyond Politics’?

Right now their approach is making politicians come to them.

Oct 14, 2019 / Daniel Judt

In Senegal, Climate Change Is Robbing Thousands of Their Homes

In Senegal, Climate Change Is Robbing Thousands of Their Homes In Senegal, Climate Change Is Robbing Thousands of Their Homes

No region has done less to contribute to the climate crisis than Africa—or stands to lose more.

Sep 24, 2019 / Feature / Daniel Judt

Cathedral of Notre Dame going up in flames

The Burning of Notre Dame Is Not Just a Tragedy—It’s an Opportunity The Burning of Notre Dame Is Not Just a Tragedy—It’s an Opportunity

It’s an occasion to a consider a more expansive idea of what it means to be French.

Apr 17, 2019 / Daniel Judt

COP 24

A Conference on Climate Change Became a Conference on Coal A Conference on Climate Change Became a Conference on Coal

At the summit in Poland, a missed opportunity.

Dec 6, 2018 / Daniel Judt
