Amanda Moore


Amanda Moore is a writer and researcher who focuses on far-right extremism.

A person wears a hat supporting those arrested for participating in the January 6 US Capitol attack during the annual Conservative Political Action Conference in National Harbor, Md., on February 22, 2024.

I Was Banned From CPAC, but the Extremists Weren’t I Was Banned From CPAC, but the Extremists Weren’t

From the lobby, I watched neo-Nazis and other far-right figures waltz unimpeded into the Conservative Political Action Conference.

Feb 27, 2024 / Editorial / Amanda Moore

Gavin Wax, president of the New York Young Republican Club, speaks to members of the media during a rally outside the New York County Criminal Court in New York City, on Monday, March 20, 2023.

The War Within the Young Republican Party The War Within the Young Republican Party

At the Young Republican National Convention, far-right figures made few inroads—but they did read my Nation investigation.

Aug 29, 2023 / Amanda Moore

Amanda Moore poses with a Donald Trump statue at the Conservative Political Action Conference in Orlando, Fla.

Undercover With the New Alt-Right Undercover With the New Alt-Right

For 11 months, I pretended to be a far-right extremist. I discovered a radical youth movement trying to infiltrate the Republican Party.

Aug 22, 2023 / Feature / Amanda Moore
