Forward to the Past

Forward to the Past


Most of the time I think of gay rights, women’s emancipation and the decline of male dominance as irreversible historical processes, blah blah, driven as they are by powerful material, social and intellectual forces, blah blah blah. Then comes the Bush Administration and I find myself thinking: Yeah, right. Who would have imagined, for example, that the bright and shiny year 2001 would see the President moving to take away contraception coverage in insurance for federal workers? Is birth control “controversial” now? And what would Karl Marx say about abstinence education–slated for a huge increase in the budget, despite studies suggesting it is as worthless as the missile defense shield? Or about the angels-on-a-pinhead debate over stem cell research? I mean, why help actually existing people with painful fatal diseases when you can give an embryo a Christian burial?

According to the census, American families increasingly come in all shapes and sizes–single moms (7.2 percent), single dads (2.1 percent), live-togethers with kids (5.1 percent). “Nuclear households”–two married parents with children–are down to 23.5 percent of all households, the lowest ever. The census doesn’t measure gay and lesbian parents, but their numbers are on the rise as well. So this is exactly the moment for Wade Horn, head of the Fatherhood Initiative and scourge of nontraditional families, to be nominated as assistant secretary for family support at HHS, where he’ll be in charge of a vast array of programs serving poor children and families–from welfare and childcare to child support, adoption, foster care and domestic violence–and will have a great deal of influence over the reauthorization of welfare reform, coming up next year.

For Horn, “fatherlessness” causes every woe, from the Columbine massacre (hello?–both killers came from intact families) to “promiscuity” among teenage girls. “Growing up without a father is like being in a car with a drunk driver,” he told the Washington Post in 1997. In other words, a woman raising a child alone, like a drunk driver, is the chief and immediate source of danger to that child–maybe she should be in jail! The cure for single motherhood is marriage, to be imposed on an apparently less and less wedlock-minded population by public policy. In his weekly “Fatherly Advice” column in the far-right Moonie rag the Washington Times, Horn has advocated giving married couples priority in public housing, Head Start places and other benefits, although he now says he’s abandoned that idea–maybe someone clued him in that such discrimination was unconstitutional (tough luck, Sally, no preschool for you–your parents are divorced!). Horn favors paying people on welfare to marry (ah, love!), opposes abortion (“states should operate under the principle that adoption is the first and best option for pregnant, single women”), thinks spanking is fine, blames contraception for unwed pregnancies and STDs, and has kind words for the Southern Baptist dictum that wives should “submit” to their husbands–who are, in his view, rightly the primary providers, disciplinarians and “foundations of the family structure.” Anyone who thinks gender roles aren’t set in concrete–like maybe in some families Mom is “results-oriented” and Dad’s a softie–is a “radical feminist,” like those man-hating harpies at the National Organization for Women.

A long list of gay, feminist, welfare-rights, community activist and reproductive rights organizations have signed on to a letter protesting Horn’s nomination; the Senate Finance Committee begins confirmation hearings on June 21. Unfortunately for those who want to blame the Republicans for everything, many Democrats share Horn’s belief in marriage as a panacea for social ills–this is a favorite communitarian theme, after all, and Clinton’s welfare reform bill explicitly called for marriage as “the foundation of a successful society.” Readers of this column will remember that no less a progressive icon than Cornel West signed the Institute for American Values’ Call to Civil Society, endorsing “covenant marriage” and the privileging of married people for public housing and Head Start and so on. The Child Support Distribution Act passed the House last year by a 405-to-18 vote and was just reintroduced–this would divert more than $140 million of welfare funds from poor mothers and children to job training and counseling for poor noncustodial fathers in the hope that the dads will pass along some of their earnings to their children (in one 1998 pilot project reported in the New York Times, the dads squeezed out an extra $4.20 a month).

Horn’s not the only Bush nominee trying to turn back the clock on modernity. Fervent Bush supporter Scott Evertz, the new head of the White House AIDS office, whose major experience in AIDS education has been working with Catholic groups, was a fundraiser for Wisconsin Right to Life and fought to keep the antichoice plank in the state’s Republican Party platform. Nonetheless, the Human Rights Campaign and the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force praised the appointment–after all, Evertz is the first open homosexual to be appointed in a Republican administration! So much for those organizations’ commitment to reproductive and “human” rights.

For the true flavor of the Middle Ages, though, consider John Klink, whose name has been floated for Assistant Secretary of State for Population, Refugees and Migration. Klink is currently employed as a diplomat with the Holy See’s Mission to the United Nations, in which capacity he has opposed any and all use of condoms and contraception, not to mention abortion. He was a major mover in the Vatican’s defunding of UNICEF, on the grounds that it supported postcoital contraception on request for refugee women who had been raped, and he has led the Vatican’s attempts to sabotage UN consensus documents on women’s right to “methods of fertility regulation which are safe, efficacious, accessible and acceptable.” Only “natural family planning” for the millions of women, very few of whom are Catholic, fleeing war, tyranny and famine around the globe!

Forward to the past, or a cynical bid for the Catholic vote? Stay tuned.

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