Exposing the Culture of Corruption

Exposing the Culture of Corruption

Today’s indictment of House Majority leader Tom DeLay is a sign that there is some accountability in our capitol. Over the last year, a small group of public interest organizations have led the charge against DeLay–and done commendable work in bringing his abuses to public attention.

One invaluable group is Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics (CREW) in Washington. CREW’s work also shows why Democrats–even as they rightly expose DeLay’s corruption, and the abuses of this Republican Congress–should make themselves the party of reform, offering a series of measures to curb lobbyists, expose the backrooms to sunlight and move towards clean elections that limit the role of big money in politics.

For more on CREW’s efforts to bring accountability and transparency to our democracy, click here to read a piece on CREW I posted last March.


Today’s indictment of House Majority leader Tom DeLay is a sign that there is some accountability in our capitol. Over the last year, a small group of public interest organizations have led the charge against DeLay–and done commendable work in bringing his abuses to public attention.

One invaluable group is Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics (CREW) in Washington. CREW’s work also shows why Democrats–even as they rightly expose DeLay’s corruption, and the abuses of this Republican Congress–should make themselves the party of reform, offering a series of measures to curb lobbyists, expose the backrooms to sunlight and move towards clean elections that limit the role of big money in politics.

For more on CREW’s efforts to bring accountability and transparency to our democracy, click here to read a piece on CREW I posted last March.

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Katrina vanden Heuvel
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