Kucinich on International Policy and its Relationship to the Economy

Kucinich on International Policy and its Relationship to the Economy

Kucinich on International Policy and its Relationship to the Economy

The congressman argues that just as war and poverty are twins, so are peace and prosperity.


In the past decade, the US has been involved in three wars abroad as its economy suffered and unemployment skyrocketed. As the country commemorates the 9/11 attacks, it is time for Americans to rethink the nation’s international policy and the detrimental impact of war on the US economy and national security.

In this video, Congressman Dennis Kucinich takes to the floor of Congress on September 7 to explain why our foreign policy is harming our economy. He argues that our military interventions in Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya have not made the nation safer. Rather, these wars have cost hundreds and thousands of American soldiers’ lives and trillions of tax dollars. Opposing these unnecessary, unconscionable and costly military interventions abroad, Kucinich proposes a strategy to engage "those with whom we disagree most to find a way to coexist peacefully."

Jin Zhao

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