Racism and the College Athlete

Racism and the College Athlete

Professor and author Derek Silva joins the Edge of Sports podcast to talk about racism in college sports.


This week we talked to Derek Silva, co-author of an article in The Guardian about racial epithets, college athletics, and what occurred at BYU when Duke volleyball player Rachel Richardson faced racist taunts and was subsequently told by university officials that she did not in fact hear them.

We also have Choice Words about the way that the media is covering Aaron Judge’s home-run chase and the erasure of Barry Lamar Bonds. Plus, we have a Just Stand Up award for Cherelle Griner for courageously coming forward and talking about the plight of Brittney Griner in Russia, and a Just Sit Down award for Draymond Green for an act of inexcusable violence. All this and more on this week’s show.

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Derek Silva: @derekcrim

Dave Zirin: @edgeofsports

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