LIVE: Solving Our Climate Crisis, a National Town Hall

LIVE: Solving Our Climate Crisis, a National Town Hall

LIVE: Solving Our Climate Crisis, a National Town Hall

Tune in at 7 pm today for a town-hall event featuring Bernie Sanders, Bill McKibben, Shailene Woodley, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and more!


Our climate is in crisis, and only a radical reconfiguration of how our economy operates can tackle the scale of the problem. Senator Bernie Sanders will host a national town hall today, Monday, December 3, at 7 pm ET to address the global threat of climate change and explore solutions that can protect the planet from devastation and create tens of millions of good-paying jobs.

Sanders will be joined by founder and author Bill McKibben; actress, activist and Our Revolution board member Shailene Woodley; CNN host and author Van Jones; Congresswoman-Elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY); Earth Guardians Youth Director Xiuhtezcatl Martinez; Union of Concerned Scientists Director of Climate Science Dr. Brenda Ekwurzel; Dale Ross, mayor of Georgetown, Texas; and Dr. Camilla Bausch, president of Ecologic Institute.

This event is being presented in partnership with The Nation, NowThis, ATTN:, The Young Turks, The Years Project, The Intercept, The Guardian, and

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