WikiLeaks Haiti

WikiLeaks Haiti

Leaked documents obtained by WikiLeaks provide an extraordinary glimpse of US maneuvering in Haiti from before the 2004 coup through the devastating 2010 earthquake.


Leaked documents obtained by WikiLeaks provide an extraordinary glimpse of US maneuvering in Haiti from before the 2004 coup through the country’s devastating 2010 earthquake. Drawing from a trove of 1,918 Haiti-related diplomatic cables, The Nation is collaborating with the Haitian weekly newspaper Haïti Liberté on a series of articles about US and UN policy toward the Caribbean nation.

The revelations published so far include evidence that the US endorsed Haiti’s recent election despite strong evidence that the results had been falsified; that the US Embassy aided Levi’s and Hanes contractors in their fight against an increase in Haiti’s minimum wage, and that the US tried—and failed—to scuttle a Venezuelan oil deal even though it would bring huge benefits to Haiti’s impoverished people.

Watch for additional revelations coming each Wednesday for the next few weeks.


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