Free Teaching Guide

January 25, 2010

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  • Editorial

    Blackwater Injustice

    A federal judge has dismissed all charges against the five Blackwater operatives accused of gunning down fourteen innocent Iraqis in Baghdad’s Nisour Square in 2007.

    Jeremy Scahill

  • Noted.

    Remembering poet Dennis Brutus and anti-globalization activist Tim Costello.

    The Editors

  • Looting Social Security

    The Washington Post has run a “news” article about deficit reduction produced by The Fiscal Times, an outfit backed by Social Security demonizer Pete Peterson.

    William Greider

  • The Terror Trap

    The attempted airliner attack on Christmas Day demonstrates that the best antidote to terrorism is not military action but good intelligence, police work and appropriate security measures.

    The Editors

  • David Levine

    David Levine, who died on December 29 at 83, was best known for his brilliant, biting, crosshatched caricatures of literary and political figures, which until his vision gave out had appeared reg

    The Editors