World Leaders

Uhuru Kenyatta

Is Kenya Sliding Toward Dictatorship? Is Kenya Sliding Toward Dictatorship?

Like Daniel arap Moi in 1982, Uhuru Kenyatta has embarked on a course of action that threatens hard-won democratic gains.

Feb 16, 2018 / Karen Rothmyer

Qatar's Al Thani and Turkey's Erdogan

David and Goliath: How Qatar Defeated the Saudi and UAE Annexation Plot David and Goliath: How Qatar Defeated the Saudi and UAE Annexation Plot

Emir Sheikh Tamim’s refusal to even discuss the Saudi/UAE demands has made him a national hero in Qatar.

Feb 16, 2018 / Juan Cole

Golden Dawn Greece

The Far Right Is a Growing Threat in Greece The Far Right Is a Growing Threat in Greece

This is what happens when the ruling leftist party accepts austerity: polarization, fear, and “Trumpism on the Mediterranean.”

Feb 15, 2018 / Yiannis Baboulias

Red Square in Moscow

If America ‘Won the Cold War,’ Why Is There Now a ‘Second Cold War with Russia’? If America ‘Won the Cold War,’ Why Is There Now a ‘Second Cold War with Russia’?

The ongoing role of false narratives and historical fallacies.

Feb 14, 2018 / Stephen F. Cohen

Moon, Pence, Kim Yo-jong Pyeongchang Olympics

Mike Pence and Japanese Leader Shinzo Abe Rain on South Korea’s Olympics Parade Mike Pence and Japanese Leader Shinzo Abe Rain on South Korea’s Olympics Parade

But the pressure could backfire, a former Japanese prime minister tells The Nation.

Feb 14, 2018 / Editorial / Tim Shorrock

Anti-Nuclear War Demonstration

The Nuclear Posture Review Signals a New Arms Race The Nuclear Posture Review Signals a New Arms Race

We need to revive momentum for reducing nuclear weapons, not for “modernizing” them.

Feb 13, 2018 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

SDP protest Germany

Can Germany’s Social Democrats Get Their Groove Back? Can Germany’s Social Democrats Get Their Groove Back?

The turn to neoliberalism demoralized the party—and helped fuel the rise of the extreme right.

Feb 9, 2018 / Jordan Stancil

Turkey Journalists Protest

Turkey’s New Constitutional Crisis Could End the Rule of Law Turkey’s New Constitutional Crisis Could End the Rule of Law

In refusing to release unjustly detained journalists, the lower courts are aiding President Erdogan’s repression.

Feb 8, 2018 / Constanze Letsch

devin nunes

Russiagate or Intelgate? Russiagate or Intelgate?

The publication of the Republican House Committee memo and reports of other documents increasingly suggest not only a “Russiagate” without Russia but also something darker: The “co...

Feb 7, 2018 / Stephen F. Cohen

America First Actually Means China First

America First Actually Means China First America First Actually Means China First

“Rivals” are stepping into the vacuum created by Trump’s isolationism.

Feb 6, 2018 / Dilip Hiro
