
Josh Gibson slides into home plate

Counting the Negro League Records Is About More Than Numbers Counting the Negro League Records Is About More Than Numbers

One player in particular is laying waste to the Major League record book: Josh Gibson.

May 29, 2024 / Dave Zirin

Pro-Palestine banner in soccer stands

In Ireland, “Nothing but Love” for the Palestinian Women’s Soccer Team In Ireland, “Nothing but Love” for the Palestinian Women’s Soccer Team

The Palestinian National Women’s Football Team defeated the Bohemian Football Club 2-1 in front of a sell-out crowd in Dublin. It was much more than a win for Palestine.

May 24, 2024 / Dave Zirin

Taking a shot on goal during a soccer game in Rafah

Palestinians Stand Up to Israel Through Soccer Palestinians Stand Up to Israel Through Soccer

The American Friends Service Committee staged a youth soccer tournament in Rafah, showcasing the joy that the sport can offer.

Apr 30, 2024 / Dave Zirin

Macron and Sarkozy beside Olympics sign

The 2024 Olympics Are Already Dealing With Multiple Political Crises The 2024 Olympics Are Already Dealing With Multiple Political Crises

Despite all the bluster about how the Paris 2024 Olympics would be different, they’re looking a lot like the Games of recent years. And we’re only 100 days out.

Apr 15, 2024 / Dave Zirin and Jules Boykoff

O.J. Simpson tries on glove during trial

O.J. Simpson Proved That With Enough Money You Can Get Away With Murder O.J. Simpson Proved That With Enough Money You Can Get Away With Murder

The accused killer won and lost in court depending on his bank account.

Apr 12, 2024 / Jeet Heer

O.J. Simpson at his 1995 trial

O.J. Simpson Was a Rorschach Test for America O.J. Simpson Was a Rorschach Test for America

Society / April 11, 2024 O.J. Simpson Was a Rorschach Test for America Most people saw the Hall of Fame running back not as a person but as symbol for what was wrong with the c…

Apr 11, 2024 / Dave Zirin

South Carolina head coach Dawn Staley answers reporters' questions on April 6 before a national championship game.

Coaching Great Dawn Staley Defends Trans Athletes Coaching Great Dawn Staley Defends Trans Athletes

The courageous comments of the South Carolina Gamecocks’ coach upset all the right people.

Apr 10, 2024 / Dave Zirin

Esteury Ruiz playing baseball

Oakland Has 2 New Baseball Heroes—and a Billionaire Owner Ruining Everything Oakland Has 2 New Baseball Heroes—and a Billionaire Owner Ruining Everything

Outfielders Esteury Ruiz and Brent Rooker stood with their fans against a planned move to Las Vegas. They were punished, and the owner is pulling the team from Oakland early.

Apr 5, 2024 / Dave Zirin

Video screen shows Ohtani speaking at press conference

Online Gambling Has Swallowed Professional Sports Online Gambling Has Swallowed Professional Sports

Sports leagues partnered with legal gambling operations to fill their coffers. The deals are bringing in millions, but now they threaten to undermine what makes sports special.

Mar 27, 2024 / Dave Zirin

FIFA president Gianni Infantino at podium

Palestine Shows Up for FIFA. FIFA Turns Its Back on Palestine. Palestine Shows Up for FIFA. FIFA Turns Its Back on Palestine.

FIFA has chosen to say nothing while Israel massacres Palestinian soccer players, coaches, and sports officials.

Mar 18, 2024 / Dave Zirin
