
Dodd Refuses to Cave on Domestic Spying Dodd Refuses to Cave on Domestic Spying

As his fellow Democrats rush to pass the President's intelligence bill, Christopher Dodd stands his ground.

Oct 22, 2007 / Feature / Ari Melber

Father of History Father of History

Bettina Aptheker's recent memoir has incited fierce debate over her father s legacy.

Oct 18, 2007 / Books & the Arts / Christopher Phelps

Toxic Toys Toxic Toys

As safety scandals dampen the public's appetite for cheap imports, the European Union is raising doubts about standards and oversight in the US toy industry.

Oct 18, 2007 / Feature / Mark Schapiro

With Facts on Our Side With Facts on Our Side

Faced with a choice between facts and theology, antichoicers choose the latter every time.

Oct 18, 2007 / Column / Katha Pollitt

Does the ‘T’ Stand Alone? Does the ‘T’ Stand Alone?

As a gay rights bill moved through Congress, some prominent Democrats tried to exclude protections for transgenders. The LGBT community revolted.

Oct 17, 2007 / Feature / Christopher Lisotta

Latina America Lavishly Comes of Age Latina America Lavishly Comes of Age

The quinceañera has become a rite of passage for even the poorest Latina teens, another example of our most treasured rites debased at the cash register.

Oct 16, 2007 / Books & the Arts / Lakshmi Chaudhry

Sick Kids’ Laugh Riot Sick Kids’ Laugh Riot

Dear Congressional Democrats: Here's a funny story about what it's like to have a really sick kid, even if you do have insurance.

Oct 16, 2007 / Column / Annabelle Gurwitch

Terry McMillan vs. Ghetto Lit Terry McMillan vs. Ghetto Lit

Driven by a tabloid episode from her own marriage, the novelist joins the debate over the mass marketing of trashy books to young black readers.

Oct 15, 2007 / Books & the Arts / Amy Alexander

The Fall of Marion Jones, Inc. The Fall of Marion Jones, Inc.

The sports establishment is shocked, shocked at her steroid-fueled Olympic wins. But didn't they also play a role?

Oct 15, 2007 / Column / Dave Zirin

Questions for Michael Mukasey Questions for Michael Mukasey

Elizabeth Holtzman, Nan Aron, Stephen Gillers, Victor Navasky and others quiz the Attorney General nominee on torture, the Constitution and the fate of Alberto Gonzales.

Oct 15, 2007 / Feature / The Nation
