
Letters Letters

JURY DUTY--I New York City A Trial by Jury, both the book and Carl T. Bogus's review ["A Verdict on the System," Dec. 10, 2001], were interesting and insig...

Jan 17, 2002 / Letters / Michael Massing, Wallace Shawn, and Our Readers

Who’s Utopian Now? Who’s Utopian Now?

Welfare reform has left America dangerously undefended against hard times.

Jan 17, 2002 / Feature / Frances Fox Piven and Barbara Ehrenreich

For Her Own Good For Her Own Good

With the "family cap," the state says to welfare moms: no more babies!

Jan 17, 2002 / Feature / Karen Houppert

In Our Orbit In Our Orbit

"Court rise!" begins D.D. Guttenplan's courtroom thriller The Holocaust on Trial. "With the clerk's shout we stop talking and struggle to our feet. David Irving v. Penguin Books ...

Jan 17, 2002 / Books & the Arts / The Editors

$hotgun Weddings $hotgun Weddings

What would the government have to do to convince you to get married when you otherwise wouldn't? More than pay you $80 a month, I'll bet, the amount Wisconsin's much-ballyhooed "...

Jan 17, 2002 / Column / Katha Pollitt

Vienna: Waltz or Go-Go? Vienna: Waltz or Go-Go?

Exile is the best school of dialectics.          --Bertolt Brecht Peter Gay emigrated from Germany when he was a teenager and work...

Jan 17, 2002 / Books & the Arts / Paul Reitter

Letter to ACTA Letter to ACTA

December 18, 2001

Jan 17, 2002 / Editorial / Joe Lieberman

All Together Now… All Together Now…

It was not without warning that Congress voted to end welfare-as-we-knew-it in 1996, but still, it seemed to catch the progressive community off-guard.

Jan 17, 2002 / Editorial / The Editors

Enron Conservatives Enron Conservatives

Concerned about potential taint from the metastasizing Enron scandal, George W. Bush met with reporters recently to distance himself from Enron's chairman, Ken Lay (nicknamed "Ke...

Jan 17, 2002 / Editorial / Robert L. Borosage

Enron and the Bushes Enron and the Bushes

When George W. Bush was first running for governor of Texas, Washington editor David Corn took a look at Bush family activities on behalf of Enron in Argentina--itself now suffer...

Jan 17, 2002 / Editorial / David Corn
