
Bad News, Film at 11 Bad News, Film at 11

Like almost everything these days, local TV news is awful and getting worse.

Feb 20, 2003 / Column / Eric Alterman

Confronting Empire Confronting Empire

So how do we resist "Empire"? The good news is that we're not doing too badly. There have been major victories. Here in Latin America you have had so many--in Bolivia, you have...

Feb 20, 2003 / Books & the Arts / Arundhati Roy

Cleaning Up Santa Fe Cleaning Up Santa Fe

New Mexico is on the verge of joining those happy few states that have acted to rein in the extreme influence of corporate money on US politics.

Feb 19, 2003 / Feature / Matt Bivens

Listen to George…Washington Listen to George…Washington

It would be so much easier if the Bush Administration just dropped the confusing pretension of an earnest campaign for truth, international cooperation and the rule of law.

Feb 18, 2003 / Column / Robert Scheer

What Are They Reading? What Are They Reading?

Though there have been scattered signs of renewed interest in Dwight Macdonald--a biography in 1994, a collection of letters in 2002--all but a fraction of his own writing mold...

Feb 14, 2003 / Books & the Arts / Jonathan Shainin

Letter to America Letter to America

War for the wrong reasons will delegitimize the instrument itself.

Feb 13, 2003 / Feature / Ramesh Thakur

Who’s in Charge? Who’s in Charge?

On October 4, 2001--less than a month after that horrific day--George W. Bush and the members of his National Security Council were nailing down the details of the coming war i...

Feb 13, 2003 / Books & the Arts / David Corn

Filibustering on Estrada Filibustering on Estrada

Few of George W. Bush's judicial nominees have generated as much opposition as has Miguel Estrada.

Feb 13, 2003 / Editorial / John Nichols

Republic or Empire? Republic or Empire?

As the senior American diplomat in Baghdad during Desert Shield, I advocated a muscular US response to Saddam's brutal annexation of Kuwait in flagrant violation of the United ...

Feb 13, 2003 / Books & the Arts / Joseph Wilson

The Case Against the War

The Case Against the War The Case Against the War

The revival of nuclear danger means we have already lost, whatever happens later.

Feb 13, 2003 / Feature / Jonathan Schell
