
Lee Fang: The Rise of Shadow Lobbying

Lee Fang: The Rise of Shadow Lobbying Lee Fang: The Rise of Shadow Lobbying

Lee Fang visits Democracy Now! to discuss “The Shadow Lobbying Complex,” his latest feature for The Nation.

Feb 21, 2014 / Nation in the News / Press Room

The Pro-Israel Freakout

The Pro-Israel Freakout The Pro-Israel Freakout

Censorship at Jewish museums and a crude new anti–J Street documentary suggest a pro-Israel establishment in a panic.

Feb 21, 2014 / Blog / Michelle Goldberg

Chevron’s Lobbyist Now Runs the Congressional Science Committee

Chevron’s Lobbyist Now Runs the Congressional Science Committee Chevron’s Lobbyist Now Runs the Congressional Science Committee

The oil industry is getting increasingly cozy with the Committee, which has undermined efforts to tackle global warming and air pollution.

Feb 21, 2014 / Blog / Lee Fang

At a Town Hall Meeting, Christie Blames Obama, FEMA, Feds for Sandy Aid Problems

At a Town Hall Meeting, Christie Blames Obama, FEMA, Feds for Sandy Aid Problems At a Town Hall Meeting, Christie Blames Obama, FEMA, Feds for Sandy Aid Problems

But, strangely, not a word was said about Bridgegate or the other scandals plaguing the New Jersey governor.

Feb 21, 2014 / The Christie Watch / Bob and Barbara Dreyfuss

Where Have All the Lobbyists Gone?

Where Have All the Lobbyists Gone? Where Have All the Lobbyists Gone?

On paper, the influence-peddling business is drying up. But lobbying money is flooding into Washington, DC, like never before. What’s going on?

Feb 19, 2014 / Feature / Lee Fang

Merging Cable Giants Is ‘an Affront to the Public Interest’

Merging Cable Giants Is ‘an Affront to the Public Interest’ Merging Cable Giants Is ‘an Affront to the Public Interest’

Americans can and should say "no" to the consolidation of communications.

Feb 14, 2014 / Blog / John Nichols

Why the Federal Reserve Needs an Overhaul

Why the Federal Reserve Needs an Overhaul Why the Federal Reserve Needs an Overhaul

This 100-year-old antique is undemocratic, too close to elite banking interests and often blind to the economic conditions that affect most Americans.

Feb 12, 2014 / Feature / William Greider

Obama Signs Executive Order on Federal Contractor Wages Today

Obama Signs Executive Order on Federal Contractor Wages Today Obama Signs Executive Order on Federal Contractor Wages Today

It’s a big moment for hundreds of thousands of workers, as well as progressive activists.

Feb 12, 2014 / Blog / George Zornick

Congress Will Restore Military Pension Cuts, But Ignore Federal Workers

Congress Will Restore Military Pension Cuts, But Ignore Federal Workers Congress Will Restore Military Pension Cuts, But Ignore Federal Workers

Congress will soon reverse cuts to military pensions--but civilian workers won't be seeing any such relief. 

Feb 11, 2014 / Blog / George Zornick

Congressional Republicans Call Obama ‘Lawless’ for Issuing Executive Orders. That’s Just Wrong.

Congressional Republicans Call Obama ‘Lawless’ for Issuing Executive Orders. That’s Just Wrong. Congressional Republicans Call Obama ‘Lawless’ for Issuing Executive Orders. That’s Just Wrong.

Issuing executive orders is nothing new, especially with regard to federal contractors. So why the vitriol?

Feb 11, 2014 / Blog / John Nichols
