
It’s ‘Court Reform,’ Not Court Packing

It’s ‘Court Reform,’ Not Court Packing It’s ‘Court Reform,’ Not Court Packing

But whatever they call it, Democrats should embrace fixing a Supreme Court that has become an unaccountable legislature in all but name.

Oct 22, 2020 / Marshall Auerback

Iowa Could Make Joe Biden President, and Give Him a Democratic Senate to Work With

Iowa Could Make Joe Biden President, and Give Him a Democratic Senate to Work With Iowa Could Make Joe Biden President, and Give Him a Democratic Senate to Work With

How the tide has turned in a state Trump won big in 2016.

Oct 21, 2020 / John Nichols

Nancy Pelosi

Democrats Cannot Cave to the Republican Death Cult on the Stimulus Bill Democrats Cannot Cave to the Republican Death Cult on the Stimulus Bill

Liability protection might not sound like an issue worth fighting for, but lives literally depend on whether Democrats hold the line during stimulus negotiations.

Oct 21, 2020 / Elie Mystal

Joe Biden standing before a lectern

Earth to Biden: Stop Talking About Fracking Earth to Biden: Stop Talking About Fracking

Data for Progress polling shows that support for a fracking ban fell 16 points among Democrats after Biden and Harris opposed it in the debates.

Oct 21, 2020 / Julian Brave NoiseCat and Danielle Deiseroth

Trump Podium Arizona

We’re Going to Need a Truth and Reconciliation Commission to Recover From Trump We’re Going to Need a Truth and Reconciliation Commission to Recover From Trump

History alone cannot hold Trump and his enablers accountable for the crimes they have committed.

Oct 20, 2020 / Elie Mystal

Tom Tomorrow cartoon

It’s Not Trump’s Job to Be Informed, Is It? It’s Not Trump’s Job to Be Informed, Is It?

Welcome to the longest two weeks in human history. 

Oct 20, 2020 / Tom Tomorrow

Joe Biden speaking in front of a lectern

Progressives Should Support Biden Now, but Be Ready to Push Later Progressives Should Support Biden Now, but Be Ready to Push Later

The chaos of recent years demands a paradigm shift.

Oct 20, 2020 / no-paywall / Katrina vanden Heuvel

What Joe Biden Can Learn From Jacinda Ardern

What Joe Biden Can Learn From Jacinda Ardern What Joe Biden Can Learn From Jacinda Ardern

New Zealand’s prime minister just won a historic victory. Her formula for success was simple: science and solidarity.

Oct 19, 2020 / John Nichols

Hunter Biden, wearing a suit and tie, speaks at the DNC via webcam

Trump Keeps Slinging Mud, but This Time It’s Not Sticking Trump Keeps Slinging Mud, but This Time It’s Not Sticking

Smear merchants like Steve Bannon and Rudy Giuliani are trying to peddle a sequel to the Clinton scandals of 2016—but they’ve lost their groove.

Oct 19, 2020 / Jeet Heer

People wearing masks and face shields wait in a long line for early voting

Can Jaime Harrison Really Beat Lindsey Graham? Can Jaime Harrison Really Beat Lindsey Graham?

It won’t be easy—despite some polls showing the race in a dead heat and Harrison raising money hand over fist.

Oct 19, 2020 / Kevin Alexander Gray
