Gender and Sexuality

Rick Perry’s War on Women

Rick Perry’s War on Women Rick Perry’s War on Women

How the Texas governor launched an assault on Planned Parenthood and women’s health.

Nov 30, 2011 / Feature / Jordan Smith

Melissa Harris-Perry: Colorado Personhood Amendment ‘Goes Too Far’ Melissa Harris-Perry: Colorado Personhood Amendment ‘Goes Too Far’

Two weeks after Mississippi's infamous  "personhood" amendment was soundly defeated, anti-abortion activists have revived the legislation in Virginia and Colora...

Nov 22, 2011 / Nation in the News / Press Room

Putting Teen Pregnancy in Perspective Putting Teen Pregnancy in Perspective

The media love reporting on year-to-year fluctations in the American teen birth rate. Less attention is paid to the fact that teen pregnancy is exponentially more common in the Uni...

Nov 18, 2011 / Blog / Dana Goldstein

The Mexican Education War The Mexican Education War

As in the United States, many Mexican education reformers focus on teachers' unions--but both countries need a broader public schools agenda.

Nov 10, 2011 / Blog / Dana Goldstein

Will Herman Cain’s Fourth Accuser Wake Voters Up to the Reality of Sexual Harassment?

Will Herman Cain’s Fourth Accuser Wake Voters Up to the Reality of Sexual Harassment? Will Herman Cain’s Fourth Accuser Wake Voters Up to the Reality of Sexual Harassment?

Even if voters come to believe that the allegations against Cain are true, will they care?

Nov 7, 2011 / Blog / Emily Douglas

Need More Scientists and Mathematicians? Close the Gender Gap Need More Scientists and Mathematicians? Close the Gender Gap

The key is getting young girls—under age 12—passionate about technology and the physical world. Here’s how. 

Nov 4, 2011 / Blog / Dana Goldstein

Culture of Death: Who Gets to Be a Person in Mississippi?

Culture of Death: Who Gets to Be a Person in Mississippi? Culture of Death: Who Gets to Be a Person in Mississippi?

As the state votes on a personhood amendment defending the ‘sanctity of life,’ leadership is measured in executions and assassinations.

Nov 3, 2011 / Blog / Patricia J. Williams

‘You Are the NOW of Now!’ The Future of (Online) Feminism ‘You Are the NOW of Now!’ The Future of (Online) Feminism

The proof-of-concept phase for feminist online movement-building is long past. Now it's time for a funded feminist web.

Nov 2, 2011 / Courtney E. Martin

Ai-jen Poo: Domestic Workers and the Roots of Exclusion

Ai-jen Poo: Domestic Workers and the Roots of Exclusion Ai-jen Poo: Domestic Workers and the Roots of Exclusion

Domestic workers, many of them women of color or undocumented immigrants, are one of the most vulnerable labor pools when it comes to workplace abuses and sexual violence.

Nov 2, 2011 / Video / Francis Reynolds and Emily Douglas

Regulating CPCs: Consumer Protection or Affront to Free Speech?

Regulating CPCs: Consumer Protection or Affront to Free Speech? Regulating CPCs: Consumer Protection or Affront to Free Speech?

Baltimore and New York are requiring crisis pregnancy centers to disclose basic information about their services. But some judges say these ordinances violate the First Amendment.

Oct 31, 2011 / Kate Murphy
