
Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton

Beyond the Platform: Progressives Should Demand a Say in Presidential Appointments Beyond the Platform: Progressives Should Demand a Say in Presidential Appointments

In policy-making, implementation and enforcement matter. And this depends on whom the president appoints.

Jun 28, 2016 / Justin Talbot-Zorn and Meredy Talbot-Zorn

Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders

Bernie Has It Backward: He’ll Have More Leverage if He Endorses Clinton Bernie Has It Backward: He’ll Have More Leverage if He Endorses Clinton

And he needs to do it soon.

Jun 27, 2016 / Joan Walsh

A young man yells during a demonstration at the Supreme Court

For Immigrants, the Obama Era Has Been Long and Maddening For Immigrants, the Obama Era Has Been Long and Maddening

And in the wake of the Supreme Court’s ruling, there is no good answer to the question, What now?

Jun 27, 2016 / Julianne Hing

Oregon TPP protest

The Democratic Party’s Draft Platform Doesn’t Oppose the TPP—That’s Bad Policy and Bad Politics The Democratic Party’s Draft Platform Doesn’t Oppose the TPP—That’s Bad Policy and Bad Politics

Working-class Americans have had enough of trade policies that accelerate the race to the bottom.

Jun 27, 2016 / Larry Cohen

Elizabeth Warren

Elizabeth Warren Should Stay in the Senate Elizabeth Warren Should Stay in the Senate

Her agenda is fundamentally different from the one Hillary Clinton will pursue.

Jun 24, 2016 / Dean Baker

House Democrats

Alan Grayson Says the House Sit-In for Gun Safety Is About More Than Terror Lists Alan Grayson Says the House Sit-In for Gun Safety Is About More Than Terror Lists

Reached on the floor of the House, Grayson disputed civil libertarians’ concerns about preventing people on the no-fly list from buying guns.

Jun 23, 2016 / Joshua Holland

Trump Ban on Muslims

Donald Trump Really Could Ban Muslims From Entering the Country Donald Trump Really Could Ban Muslims From Entering the Country

RoseAnn DeMoro on the People’s Summit, David Cole on lessons from the NRA, and Sasha Abramsky on Trump and Muslims.

Jun 23, 2016 / Audio / Start Making Sense and Jon Wiener

Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders

What Hillary Clinton Can Learn From Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump What Hillary Clinton Can Learn From Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump

Trump and Sanders both communicated leadership through narratives that animated outpourings of enthusiasm that have so far eluded Clinton.

Jun 22, 2016 / Marshall Ganz and Hahrie Han

Demanding Votes on Gun-Control Bills, John Lewis Leads a Sit-in of the House

Demanding Votes on Gun-Control Bills, John Lewis Leads a Sit-in of the House Demanding Votes on Gun-Control Bills, John Lewis Leads a Sit-in of the House

Lewis, Donna Edwards, Elizabeth Esty, and other Democrats promise to keep demanding action on gun violence.

Jun 22, 2016 / John Nichols

There Was No Clear Agenda at the People’s Summit—and That’s a Good Thing

There Was No Clear Agenda at the People’s Summit—and That’s a Good Thing There Was No Clear Agenda at the People’s Summit—and That’s a Good Thing

Despite hyped-up media accounts, Bernie-or-Bust was just one of many directions explored in Chicago.

Jun 20, 2016 / D.D. Guttenplan
